Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Dustin's last message

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Don't ever Piss off Dustin Zacks.


  1. I have a dog that will take care of that. He might get pissed off but pissed on too.

  2. He was paying back Rachel for what?

  3. Nothing Dustin said wasn't true. He did what he felt he should do. I hope he'll stay active. He's really a smart guy and we can use that in this city.

  4. He's a wise guy from Detroit.

  5. Dustin pointed out the things that are so wrong in our city. He pointed out the things that we needed to know about Waterman but overlooked because we did not want Tom to be mayor. He questioned the decisions of the majority and explained how those decisions have hurt the economic climate of this city. Faced with a commission that approved the City Managers every request for higher taxes and fees and continued high utility rates he confronted us with the fact that our city is heading towards a meltdown unless things changed. No one else had the guts to point out the mess we are in and tell us what we needed to know. Waterman had no business ever being mayor of our city. Her personal life is a mess. She needs to spend her time finding a job and caring for her family. Taking on Lake Worth was never a real option for her. Thank God Dustin stepped up to the plate.

  6. I agree with SOME of what you said. His purpose was to do a hatchet job on Waterman who had only been in office 3 months and a person who had never done anything to him. Also, this Commission has made a LOT of GOOD decisions. So to say that he questioned the decisions of this majority as if all their decisions were wrong, is just that, wrong. They did, I agree, go along with the Budget and all believed that it was the only way to straighten it all out. A good decision? No.

    As far as saying that she needs to spend her time finding a job and caring for her family is no one's business but hers. If that were the case NO woman with a family would ever have a job or be worth a damn in this society but only an extension of her husband. Everyone gets into this "mess" to try and make a better place here. All are idealistic I believe. Some have made great sacrifices. Rene did. Suzanne has. Jo-Ann did. Many people have. So, what you say is opinion as is mine. You are entitled to yours.

  7. You just don't get it. The assessments and tax increase are a result of all the poor decisions and do nothing mentality of the BCE with more bad news to come. Your continued loyalty and support of the BCE is admirable but misguided.

  8. I don't get it? Look. If you want to personally attack me, do it under your REAL name. Otherwise get lost.
    We obviously have a difference of opinion here and that is why I do NOT trust your side of politics. Never have and I never will. You throw off epitaphs like they are gospel. Is that something that you do GET? I will be watching this new dais just as carefully as I did the old. No one gets any brreak here.
