Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Blue Bear defends My-Kel

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I am Blue Bear, Barbara Jean's other cat and I weigh 16 pounds...don't mess with my friend My-Kel. He can drink water any where he damn well pleases, especially cool, delicious Lake Worth Reverse Osmosis water.


  1. Poor cat looks constipated.

  2. That cat does NOT look looks pissed that someone is disturbing its sleep! Back away slowly and no humans will get hurt grrrrrrrr

  3. I can't believe we are hearing stories about pets when there is so much in the city that we could be discussing.

  4. I dunno, I for one like to take a break from all of it from time to time. It all gets way too serious. We need to have a little fun. Sorry.

  5. News is not always about controversay and I'm sure there will be plenty. Take a break, go stroll the beach and breath for a few days. Monday it all starts again and we will see what happens from there.

  6. Hello Lynn,we are Katie's cats,Jake, Mit-Mit,Christina and Lucy.Katie is not home. We must type quickly. (the chihuahua's are the lookouts-those brats can hear a pin drop). We have trained Katie to put out small bathroom cups of water for us on the counter every morning. We occaisionally even drink out of the toilet if we are pretty sure our humans are not home. Lucy the youngest got caught once and it was a terrible scene.Dogs barking,,,,must go,,,,,,


  8. Dear Anonyous, Blue is a Norwegian Forest cat and really very gentle. This is only a rare look of
    'attitude' I happen to catch! But, you are correct, he is a dude of a cat!

  9. Hi Jake, Mit-Mit, Christina and Lucy, You sound like kindred spirits! The paper cup on the counter trick is pretty cool. Do you ever tip over the cup? Could you ask Katie to send some of your photos to Barbara Jean? We would love to see them! Thanks to the pups for being on the lookout and thanks for typing so fast! Love, Blue Bear and My-Kel

  10. Hi Lynn, Thank you my sweet friend for the fun stuff! I thought it was adorable and hilarious! Also, thank you for your fabulous blog - I love it! You put in alot of work on a wide variety of subjects and with 500k+ hits it looks like others love it too!
