Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Water tastes good even to kitty cats

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Barbara-Jean Weber's cat, My-Kel,
trying to drink that great tasting reverse osmosis
water in Lake Worth


  1. Nice the cat enjoys the water.But I dont think its such a good idea to have cats jumping up on kitchen counters or dining table. The hair and the germs they may deposit from the kitty litter box. I`m not a clean freak but that, to me, is disgusting.

  2. Do you own a cat?
    Own a cat or a dog and you will be less likely to be some killjoy. You get more germs from kissing your spouse.

  3. anonymous 4:12pm you are actually incorrect. Your spouse cannot transmit feline aids through a kiss. The previous anonymous poster is correct. I have dogs, a cat and two parrots and I am not a killjoy because I won't let any of my pets on the kitchen sink where I put utensils, pots, pans, plates that will hold my family's food. Where my son and daughter make their sandwhiches, etc. I am just a clean person who knows the healthy boundaries needed to enjoy my pets without exposing myself or my family to unneccesary health risks.

    S. Collins

  4. Paying the highest water rates in the county better get us some good tasting water.

  5. this is just a cute picture so what's your problem? gosh, get a life. get an animal and then you will understand.

  6. Barbara Jean you have a cute cat. Thanks for the photo.
