Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Trying to keep Black Friday Local in Lake Worth

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"We really need the traffic. It's really important to get people into the habit of supporting local businesses, or they disappear. All of these stores are really struggling in this economy," said Joyce Brown, an artist at the Clay Glass Metal Stone Gallery and a member of the DCA. "A lot of the stores are doing between 20 and 50 percent off [on Black Friday]."

Read more at the Sun Sentinel.


  1. Just as I have done for several years now. It will be my goal to keep 60-90 percent of my holiday shopping in Lake Worth Business Districts. Its great to know that there are beautiful shoppes in many parts of Lake worth that have so much to offer.

    Looking forward to seeing many of our wonderful shoppe owners and employees over the entire holiday season! - Robert Waples

  2. Thank you Lynn for posting this.As a business owner in Lake Worth for over 20years, although not downtown, we understand and have understood the importance of shopping locally.It is also important to know what business are here and what they have to offer. Being a part of the community in which a business exist is a very critical part of the survival of that business. Have a great Thanksgiving.
