Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Quote of the Day - Sarah Palin

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"The money-making opportunities for politicians are myriad, and Mr. Schweizer (Hoover Institute fellow Peter Schweizer and author of Throw Them All Out) details the most lucrative methods:

accepting sweetheart gifts of IPO stock from companies seeking to influence legislation, practicing insider trading with nonpublic government information, earmarking projects that benefit personal real estate holdings, and even subtly extorting campaign donations through the threat of legislation unfavorable to an industry. The list goes on and on, and it's sickening."

~Sarah Palin

I keep saying that the "occupiers" need to take their message to Washington.


  1. Someone should throw her out........

  2. Something about women?
    Sarah just tells the truth AND she's not in something to kick her out of something.

  3. You can't kick her out she already quit being Governor! LOL

  4. You must surely want to place a target on yourself with referencing Sarah Palin on any issue. Do you have a death wish, she has to be the most vilified not only woman, but individual in this country. That woman illicit more contempt than anyone I’ve seen and I’m glad to see she doesn’t back down. We should emulate more like Michelle Obama, now there is someone who offers much to this country, maybe a few more vacations on taxpayer dollars and she’ll actually do something positive for us, yea right.
