Wednesday, November 23, 2011

New World Order Behind Occupy Movement?

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  2. Gosh Lynn, you are beginning to sound like those people you put down who say Cara Jennings and her group are behind a lot of things in Lake Worth including former mayor Waterman.

  3. Actually, Anna, I have NO idea what you are talking about. I have always been against anarchists, Socialists, Communists, Terrorists, and all ISTS. Their ideas more than just annoy me.

  4. Jennings was not involved int he Waterman campaign. If she had been, she probably would have won.

  5. Are you against fascism? Because that's what the republican party looks like to me nowadays.

  6. Anon @ 11:22 AM - if you really believe that, then your cupboards must be full of Kool-Aid.

  7. Proof! Case closed.

  8. anonymous at 1:55. The Republican Party is no where remotely close to Fascism. Why would you even think that? They want a balanced budget not borrowing from China every time we want to give billions to some terrorist country.

  9. In 1925 the Fascist regime in Italy created a corporatist economic system. In theory, Fascist Corporatism is supposed to give unions a voice but in practice, that’s not what it did in Italy and Germany in the 1930′s. The Fascist regime first created a Ministry of Corporations that organized the Italian economy into 22 sectoral corporations, banned workers’ strikes and lock-outs. Even Hitler banned unions. This is similar to how corporations were before America declared its independence. At that time, corporations such as the Massachusetts Bay Company, controlled entire colonies. The Founding Fathers hated this practice so much they rebelled against it and set many restrictions against the corporate world they abhorred so much. Republicans are attempting to reintroduce this idea that corporations should run states and the government. They’ve already called for privatizing policemen and the military and they already allow the Koch brothers to call the shots. They have called for an end to the minimum wage, are ending union rights state by state, most recently in Wisconsin where Republicans slammed through an anti-union bill illegally, and seek to destroy any and all corporate taxes and taxes on the wealthy. Furthermore, As we all know, Republicans claim to be the party of family values. This is the exact stance of fascists as well. Fascists, like Republicans, believe that a woman’s role is confined to the home as a mother. In Italy, the fascists banned literature on birth control and increased penalties for abortion in 1926, declaring both crimes against the state. Fascists even pushed policies designed to reduce the number of women in the workforce. Republicans are attempting to do all of these things. They have relentlessly railed against birth control, and have pushed their idea of abstinence as if they have always practiced it themselves. Hypocrites. They are attempting to ban abortion, considering laws to legalize the killing of abortion providers and laws that destroy Planned Parenthood and allow hospitals to let women die rather than give her a life saving abortion. Republicans are also assaulting unions that represent professions held by mostly women such as nurses and education and have been highly critical of single mothers who work.

  10. why aren't you asking if the Democrats who received donations from the evil Koch brothers should return any funds? And what makes these donations ill-gotten. Privitizing police and military? Haven't heard about that one. Let's bring back the draft where all you hippies must serve your country. Perhaps then you wouldn't want to over-throw it.
    Unions suck. Abortion should not even be a political issue.

  11. The anonymous poster above spout off all the left wing radical mantras as if he/she is a history book. But look closely and you see them assailing "Republicans" as the evil doers. They make no distinction between public sector unions and private sector unions, the latter being a cancer on our country and needs to be much more regulated. The market controls the former. Allowing states to adopt non-compulsory regulations so no one is forced to join a union to work is not anti union. It is pro choice.

    To compare Republicans to evangelical Christians is to compare communists to the Democrats. You can argue there are probably more of each in the respective parties but it doesn't mean the entire party embraces the far fringe.

    Lastly, there are many women who wish they could be stay at home Moms, but this economy doesn't permit it except for high paid families and government welfare. Talk about extremes.
