Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Lake Worth's Real Estate Broker

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There are times when I just would like to punch someone's lights out. Paul, you represent the City of Lake Worth and I think you have done a less than mediocre job. Can you imagine, a super salesman as he tells us he is, couldn't sell an ocean and Intracoastal waterview in our Lake Worth Casino...that the building was "not upscale" enough for this "client." It's a construction site for heaven's sake. Did you show him what the finished product will look like?

Sometimes it is embarrassing to ever have been affiliated with the real estate industry especially when a broker constantly pushes Johnny Longboats and tells us that the rest of the tenants will have a problem with us if Longboats pulls out. We need someone who believes in this project and remembers who his client really is--the guy who pays him the commission.

A reminder for Paul Snitkin
And that's only the rear view, Paul.


  1. Call these people


  3. So what's new here. Stanton will get her way in the end. I really would like to see shorter hours and a real nice restaurant on the 2nd level. I thought we talked about this several years ago. Cara Jennings was the one who messed up the beach. Ask her to ask Michael Singer why we don't have turtle lights. Track down Rene and ask him. Why did the other commission allow Johnny Gs to get away? That was sheer stupidity. What a potential mess this could become.

  4. I think 'not upscale enough' is because the surrounding tenants may well be a pizza place and a souvenir/t-shirt shop...all with Johnny Longboat's down below.
    The 'flavor' of the potential tenants isn't compatible with a very upscale restaurant.
    Did any existing LW restaurants want to relocate to the beach?
    Did Callaro's (sp?moving into the L'Anjou space) consider the beach?
    If not, why not?

  5. I guess the couple wanting to spend thousands on a wedding reception at the ballroom will not think it "upscale" enough either. Argument stinks.

  6. We need a new Realtor. Snitkin stinks!He made it seem like we were trying to present clients views of a toxic waste dump.Stanton probably told Snitkin"Don't you DARE find clients"! Stanton wants big box national chains,not what the previous Commission wanted to bring in. And we have all learned that "It's Stanton's way , or no way here in Stantonville.Cara and Rene did screw up our beach.When Commissioners or employees forget who they represent,bad things happen to good towns.

  7. It seems that no real estate brokers want to work on the Casino. Stanton put out 2 RFP's and the only response was somebody in Broward working out of their house who offered to work nights and weekends.
    The 1st broker Stanton got was from a piggy back on a WPB project and they lasted a little over 2 months before they were fired because they said the ban on all national tenants was stupid.
    REG recommended Anderson & Carr to Stanton because of past dealings.
    Now it seems there is no co brokerage, except possibly for 1 space of 1,200 and there are no Florida restaurants who want to be on the Casino's 2nd floor---according to A&C.
    While I believe Cara et al really screwed up the Beach and Casino projects, Stanton has done nothing with respect to leadership or adequate staffing of the project to counteract the early sabotaging.
    Can anybody for get the bogus balloting for the architect when 3 1st place votes went to a local architect and REG was selected with only 2 1st place votes--Jennings-Mulvehill-for its "renovation" background?

  8. REG won on over-all points. Living Designs Group was a very POLITICAL vote with pressure from some groups in LW with ties to Romano, etc. Even Jo-Ann Golden went with them. Their design was NOT what the majority of people wanted for the Casino. We wanted a 1922 look and thank God that prevailed. I would have been very disappointed if Living Designs had won because of rotten politics in this City. Living Designs still got to sneak back onto our beach redevelopment project thanks to the city manager who allowed it to happen. Something as important as our Casino and beach redevelopment should have been by vote of the people and not decided by 5 people.

    Bad politicians and uninformed representation has not done LW any favors. You can see that by the simple fact that every 4 years they want to over-throw something that the voters just told them they DID NOT WANT such as terms and run-off elections.

  9. As a reminder of the events, read my blog:

    You will see that Scott Maxwell was even a stumbling block back then and Jo-Ann Golden didn't listen to the people. One is gone. Now we have other issues but many of the same such as our beach.

  10. REG won on points because Jennings and Mulvehill voted them first and voted Living Designs last.
    It is interesting that you think elected officials as diverse as Maxwell and Golden don't represent the will of the people who elected them, but that a minority of elected officials do.
    It is a mute point to argue the tabulation victory of REG, but Lake Worth is certainly feeling the brunt of the questionable results.

  11. First of all, Dale, your statement is not 100% correct. I have written a blog coming out early this afternoon that WILL address the facts.

    Dale, why don't you reveal your true identity? I hate posting stuff from people that is factually incorrect.

    I think, no matter what side of the politcal spectrum you are on, should LISTEN TO THE DAMN PEOPLE, Dale.

  12. What questionable results?

  13. I happen to know that there is a new restaurant that has put a letter of intent in to occupy the bottom floor only. It is Mulligans Beach House Bar & Grill. They operate four locations currently (Jensen Beach, Vero Beach, Sebastian and Downtown Stuart) and are a family based concept that will fit PERFECTLY in the Casino building. They are open every day including Christmas and Thanksgiving and serve Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. They are financially stable as they have one owner who does not carry any debt on the locations. They are also very community oriented the owner goes out of his way and into his pocket to have live music every sunday in downtown stuart and even helped fireworks happen in Sebastian and Stuart that wouldnt have happened without him kicking in some money! The product is good and priced fairly. This place is a win for the project, a win for the city, and most importantly for the citizens of Lake Worth
