Monday, November 21, 2011

Scott Maxwell tastes Blood

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What's he really up to?

If we believe in folklore and creatures who subsist by feeding off the life essence of living things, Scott Maxwell, with new found powers, is going for blood tonight in a meeting changed by him at the last minute from a Workshop to a Special Meeting. This change was made on Friday afternoon and not posted to the web site until after 6pm. The rule, and one in which he has insisted be followed, is normally 11 days to have all back-up and everything on the agenda.

How many times have we all heard him berate the city manager for not following the rules. In this case, he changed the entire meeting from a non-voting discussion meeting for informational purposes to one in which he can take action. Worse than that, the entire commission was not polled and the public, the very people they said that they would listen to, is also swept under the rug of this new "transparency."

What was to be a meeting for extensive discussion purposes has now changed to something much more serious. Last week when the commission was discussing an upcoming meeting date, Commissioner McVoy said that Monday would not be good for him that he had a standing Monday night commitment. Maxwell would have been the only one on the dais who would have remembered that. He must have forgotten, however, when he insisted on Monday, the day before the city manager leaves for Thanksgiving. McVoy said that he would change his outside commitment to suit the majority who certainly could have cared less about any prior commitment that he had. Maxwell wanted it; Maxwell was going to get it. I understand that Suzanne Mulvehill has a class on Monday nights and we do not know if she will be in attendance.

The City Manager admits that the fire assessment must be addressed immediately. The bills are probably programmed to be sent out to every property owner and every pastor in town. And just like an alcoholic that can't get enough, Longboats is giving some small compromise on closing hours from 2am to 1am staying opened for 18 hours instead of 19. They run a bar business you know. It is great to know that we are committed to spending $6 million on this 1922 style Casino because Heeeeeeeeere's Johnny.

Each one of these key issues will require extensive dialog between the new Commission and staff to incorporate potentially new policy direction that has been discussed during the past
couple of weeks, says the City Manager.
  • Repeal of the Fire Services Assessment
  • The Casino and Beach Redevelopment Plan
  • The operation of a City Trolley
  • Composition of the Centennial Celebration Committee
  • Continuation of the Energy Conservation Program
  • Reevaluation of the Power Supply RFP Ranking Evaluation Criteria
  • The potential for a one-day trash service
  • Use of Billboard settlement money
  • The Customer Utility Service RFP
  • Lake Worth Lagoon Access Policy

Good luck on all that "extensive discussion" bit. Perhaps the purpose of this meeting being changed from a workshop to a voting meeting is not about the above topics at all. If you see blood tonight, you will know the truth.


  1. Lynn, You never seem to get tired of bashing Scott. This man has faithfully represented this City and it's taxpayers for many years. I truly believe this commission is trying to right this ship, we call the City of Lake Worth. While everyone may not agree with some of their decisions, I fully support them as I believe they are looking out for the taxpayers. How many costly decisions were put on the consent agenda by previous commissions without the benefit of a vote by the people? The Resourse Center cost us all dearly and was in no way a benefit to the tax paying citizens. Opinions are different depending on your vantage point. Opinions west of Dixies can vary by a street or two. From where I sit, This new Commission has my blessing!

  2. In politics when one side disagrees, they call it bashing. I call it the facts. You can't go around accusing people of throwing stones when you are in fact the stone thrower. Scott is that, in this case.

  3. Susan Stanton got rid of the Resource Center and the past commission agreed. Commissions change every year.

  4. Ms. Williams, Scott Maxwell might be the best back slapping buddy in the world but you must realize that he is a cunning politician.

  5. I like Scott ok but he needs to follow the rules too. just because he is now in the majority doesn't give him the right to bend them to his advantage, whatever that might be.

  6. Here is a novel idea - ask Commissioner Maxwell. Has the author of this blog called Commissioner Maxwell to ask why he requested the change? Has Mayor Triolo been asked why she agreed? If not, I suggest that be done and his response posted here. We want to deal with facts so let's get them before putting up pictures of bloody fangs.

    BTW, the City Clerk is responsible for coordinating the upload of backup material for meetings to the web site. This material was not available until late Friday afternoon or early evening. The City Manager was providing all the backup material not the Commissioners so it it was late it is on her.

  7. Setting goals and reaching for the sky is a way for human kind to reach its full potential. Recognizing, learning and knowing the vehicle in which to acheive these goals and actually making it to the sky is something to be considered before moving forward. - Robert Waples in my thoughts this morning.........

  8. I am sure that we will hear all the political reasons why this, why that and just plain the WHY of it and by simply posting it on the hallway bulletin board at X time of day is sufficient notice. The Clerk will tell you that and also explain that she doesn't have to make a public notice in the PB Post like she always does every week until this one.

  9. I was told by a good source that Mulvehill will not be at this meeting as she has another engagement. Something that was to be a workshop sure did turn out to be contentious by someone not bothering with the rules. You think that this is bothersome, wait and see what comes next.

  10. We had better not have a CM running scared of Maxwell. The right decision must be made, not from threats from Maxwell that she will be canned.

  11. usa citizen
    Come back down to earth now.

  12. He bit me, he bit me, OMG.
