Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rachel Waterman thanks her Supporters

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Losing an election is never pleasant. Losing by 220 votes had to have been a blow. It is rare when we hear from a losing candidate. Rachel Waterman writes and thanks her supporters and gives us all advice to stay connected:

I can hardly thank everyone enough for all that we did together these past few months. For your support, time, money, confidence, ideas, energy, and inspiration, I will always be grateful. We stood for fairness and justice - our karma will reward us for sticking to the issues and promoting transparency and fairness. Many new friends were made – friendships that have improved the spirit of our community. I am proud of our campaign and all who helped us.

Now, some work has to be shouldered by each of us. Stay involved in our City’s business. Attend the City Commission meetings, or listen online. Go meet the city commissioners and let them know who you are, and call and email them. Educate them about the depth and breadth of opinions in our city. Write letters to the newspaper. Serve on a city board. Our elected officials represent us all - not just those who voted for them and it is up to us to inform them of our perspectives, needs, and how their decisions impact us.

I have had some phone difficulties but they are all fixed now - please make a note of my number - my personal cell phone is 561-574-7103. My personal e-mail account is Please contact me anytime.

And, again, thank you for all your support. I am honored to have served as your Mayor.

Rachel Waterman


  1. Is this a joke? What board is she trying to get on? Or better yet, is she trying to get a job as the City Grant Writer?

  2. Well, obviously you were not one of her supporters.

  3. No I was not, and I am sure there is an motive to this letter....

  4. The motive was to say "thank you." What do you think it is?

  5. How come some of you have to be so sarcastic for a former mayor to write a thank you letter. What is your problem other than to continue to bully people. Get a dog and beat up on that or better yet, call Dustin and have a wonderful chat.

  6. For the fearful first commentator, I suggest you study English. There is a tense called the imperative, which is used to urge or command actions. That is the essence of paragraph three, to encourage people to stay involved in local government.

    By the way, has Zacks given the money he pledged to a church at the playhouse debate yet?
    Sam Goodstein

  7. I agree this is very fake and insincere of Rachel, if she really cared when she was mayor she would have returned my e-mails and calls to her and she didn't. I hope she get son one of those boards then and still goes to the meetings then, time will tell, I DON'T THINK SHE IS SINCERE, SORRY.

  8. Sorry to be the cynic here, but there's a definite agenda written into that thank you note that goes beyond a thank you.

  9. Expect waterman to step up and replace mcvoy as

    Jennings choice for commissioner in district two. They just cant take no for an answer

  10. What is the agenda? You keep saying that but you don't say what it is. That is why I have always said the two sides will NEVER, not in this life, come together on anything in Lake Worth.

    If McVoy were to leave and resign as commissioner because of a job or whatever, the replacement would be picked by the entire commission, not one person. Waterman will not happen.

  11. She had the chance and she blew it.....

    We did think she could do it but maybe that is why many of use (220) changed our minds.

    Rachael, always remember if you poke the people in the eye with a stick they will come back at you.

  12. Lynn, now do you believe Rachel has an agenda? Check Wes' blog to see what she is up to - she will not go quietly and seems bent on finding fault with the new Commission.
    Watch out!

  13. I hope she is sincere but I seriously doubt it. Before she was appointed by Suzie Clueless to the Marketing Task Force I had never seen Rachel W. at any commission meetings. She was not a part of the numerous meeting when we were up in arms against dissolving the LESA PBSO contract or Fire Rescue. Never saw her at any volunteer events in our city within the last three years before the travesty of her becoming Mayor. I hope she will prove me wrong and stay involved but then again with what alterior motive, move to district 2 and run for office to replace McToy, or move to district 3 and replace Silky Suzie. Her ego is big enough to delude her into thinking she would stand a second chance after the debauchery of her first short lived feeble performance as the Mayor.

    For a woman who proclaims to be about uniting and not dividing her most recent email sent from her campaign account that should have been shut down once she was trounced, says different. I am glad this city has grown up enough to see beyond their tired tactics to try an undermine anyone who is capable of moving this city forward and bringing the long overdue prosperity and acheivment this city deserves to fruition.

    I think Rachel needs to take her 3 degrees and 3 languages and concentrate on becoming gainfully employeed so that taxpayers don't have to keep feeding her children with the food stamps she receives.

    I am not surprised at her attack of the new commission majority, Rachel isn't classy enough to bow out gracefully.

    Just people peanut gallery member,
    Mark A. Parrilla

  14. Shouldn't Rachel be spending her time looking for a job to support her family? Why won't she accept her defeat graciously and GO AWAY?

  15. I am rather sure that Rachel is doing what it takes to feed her family and find employment. Thanks for being so concerned. Because she got defeated does this mean she should just go away? Is it possible to get your point across without labeling people in such a degrading fashion?

  16. Funny that you left out this line from her email -

    "I'll send out a note when I see something fishy at city hall."

    So, yes, she does have an agenda and is not just thanking her Kool Aid drinking supporters.

  17. Right now Rachel Waterman is a private citizen. She can point out something "fishy" if she so chooses. I know that I will. Won't you?

  18. Weren't you a bit upset when Rachael didn't previously thank her supporters that got her elected and put down the fifteen people on the blogs. Are you having another change of heart regarding Ms. Waterman? Face it, she doesn't do anything that doesn't benefit herself. I may be wrong, but has she ever done one bit of charity work? She visits Medicana Nursing Home with a cold or flu, or whatever thinking to get absentee votes and I've seen her leaving a person lying on the sidewalk outside the Pottery Studio the night of the Rally supporting the lady that was a finalist for the dog park contest. Sorry, but she doesn't seem to be a very compassionate sort of person.

  19. I just believe in giving credit where I think it's due. Nothing more than that. I don't forget but I don't hold grudges. I also try not to second guess anyone. She has never come across to me as a phony. Did you try and help the person lying on the sidewalk?

  20. Of course I did. Ended up walking the gentleman to his car after his refusal of concerned onlookers wanting to call an ambulance for him which he refused. RW just went back to dancing.

  21. To the guy who just attempted to post here by personally attacking me and Waterman, I suggest that you give thanks today for all life's good things. You sure need a wake up call to reality.
