Sunday, November 20, 2011

Republicans have the Solution

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  1. What in the hell are you crying about? I am the one whose job got outsourced to India.

  2. Oh yeah their soulution is to give tax breaks to the wealthy and leave loop holes for major corporations while saying NO to anything that the President proposes.

  3. With one half of the country paying NO taxes, someone has to be taxed don't think? Let's revamp the tax code and stop the loopholes. Let's give tax breaks to small businesses. Tax all wealthy people who have not been paying any tax. The problem is int he tax Code.

  4. Once again, Stupid images just to play nasty. What your a Janet Jackson Fan?

  5. No, not particularly a Jackson fan--were you?

    Can't take the heat but you guys sure can dish it out. When I recall the last Allen West election, Democrats were the dirtiest around. Ron Klein was at the bottom of the dirty pit. You all take the award for DIRTY hands down.

  6. Oh wait so the democrats are more dirty while you call the President a socialist?

  7. Actions speak louder than words, my friend.

  8. Even I laughed at that one and I am a Democrat. Thanks for the smile. See, we Dems do have a sense of humor when we want to admit it.

  9. Poor Obama. Everything he touches tuns to crap.
