Sunday, November 20, 2011

Balanced Budget Amendment - Rep. Allen West

Please note that Debbie Wasserman-Schultz voted AGAINST a balanced budget amendment. It is no wonder that Congress now has an all-time low approval rating of 9%.

(WASHINGTON)---- Congressman Allen West (R-FL) released this statement today after voting in support of H.J .Res 2 - a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution of the United States:

"As our nation passes $15 trillion in debt this week, the House of Representatives has once again let down the American people and instead chosen the path of continued spending beyond its means.

The Balanced Budget Amendment would have put our nation on a path to fiscal and economic sustainability. However, by their vote today, the majority of House Democrats and their Party have made it obvious they prefer the road of increasing debt and enormous deficits. I further found it appalling that House Democrats clapped and cheered on the House Floor at the failure of the Balanced Budget Amendment.

I am proud to have supported a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution – an identical Amendment that was passed by a vote in the House of Representatives of 300-132 in 1995, only to fall one vote short in the United States Senate.

I commend the Members of the House - both Republicans as well as 25 Democrats - who voted for this amendment and put their country before politics. The Balanced Budget Amendment made perfect sense- ensuring the United States spends only the taxpayer dollars the U.S. Treasury collects each year. But unfortunately, too many Members of Congress put politics before America's future.

When I – along with 86 of my Freshmen colleagues – were elected a little more than a year ago, we pledged to change the conversation in our Nation's Capital. Despite today's failed resolution, I believe we have changed that conversation. It is more important than ever Americans continue to get involved in the political process and elect legislators who believe in doing what is right for this country. Americans are balancing their family budget, it is imperative leaders have the courage to do the same."

1 comment:

  1. A friend sent this to me, we need to stop all this waste and cost of congress and the senate, what a sin and waste.....

    Subject: Fw: Congressional take home pay. How does your SS or Military Retirement Pension co


    Salary of retired US Presidents .............$450,000 FOR LIFE
    Salary of House/Senate members ..........$174,000 FOR LIFE

    Salary of Speaker of the House .............$223,500 FOR LIFE

    Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders .....$193,400 FOR LIFE

    Average salary of a soldier DEPLOYED IN AFGHANISTAN - $38,000
    Average income for seniors on SOCIAL SECURITY - $12,000

    I think we found where the cuts should be made!
    If you agree... Pass it on!
