Sunday, November 20, 2011

Lake Worth Beach Closing time

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I called a friend of mine yesterday and asked him his feelings about closing times at our beach. His answer? "I don't care about that. The beach is two miles away and it doesn't affect me." As it was a friend, I didn't want to get into an argument that our beach is not ALL about him and the fact that it is not a NIMBY situation...that a larger focus should be considered.

It was a disappointing reaction. It is our beach and even he, as a taxpayer, contributes to the maintenance and care of our beach even if he does live 2 miles away and never visits the beach.

What if a townhouse was to be developed in a single family residential neighborhood across town? Should he not care about that when all along he has advocated for single family low rise residential neighborhoods to stay intact?

We all should care very much about our beach park. Further commercialization of our beach was never the vision. We had some drum beaters that wanted our beach closed at Midnight. I thought they had one hell of a nerve. Extending the closing hours was never addressed in our beach redevelopment because no one ever considered that a bar would want to locate there and demand early morning closing hours. It was out of our radar of reality. That is why turtle lighting was totally a non-priority.

A Commission should not be able to change our closing time to suit a tenant to support his bar business.


  1. This is first and foremost a beach, not a shopping center where a bar wants to locate.

  2. Can we please make this casino special without a bar that gets terrible reviews wanting to dominate it with boozers?

  3. Let me tellyou something. I don't give a hot $%^& about noise pollution, turtles, those living in $3.5 million condos at the Bellaria, etc. Screw them. I like to go to a neat sports bar and drink with my buds. What's wrong with that? I even sneak my kid in sometimes. So?

  4. If I want to go over to the beach and drink and puke on the beach, it's my right, right?

  5. I think that only the Ritz, the Breakers, the Four Seasons and other high end venues should be allowed to serve drinks and food in an atmosphere of jovial celebration and Lake Worth should stick to its whiny cry baby ways.

    Repeat after me: We don't want nightlife at the beach. We don't want to disturb the sea creatures. We want to go to the beach for the sand and water only. We don't want to pay for anything.

  6. Because of some of the idiots above, it is very important, more so now than ever before, to address an earlier closing time. Ask any deputy about problems at bars late at night. We don't need to accommodate bars so that they can add to our problems with noise decibels and just crimes in general.

  7. Susan Stanton, I think that you should stay out of policy making at our beach or any where else for that matter. Stop your whiny ways about getting your own way all of the time. Do you realize that because of you this dais changed?

  8. The closing time is 10pm, is that right? I just read about the bonfires at the beach with a closing time of 10:30. Does the City break its own rules?

  9. Here is an idea, lets take all the bars downtown, and move them to the beach. Turn the downtown into shops only, then the Police can put their main focus at the beach.

  10. I am amazed that no one on theis blog knows the hours at the beach. From November 1st to February 28th (or 29th in a leap year), the hours are 6:00 a.m. to midnight. Between March 1st and October 31st, the hours are 6:00 a.m to 10:00 p.m.

  11. Thanks so much for posting that as I could not find it in our Charter or Ordinances. Can you post the section that applies?

  12. This is all the fault of the city mgr and the assit city mgr.
