Monday, November 21, 2011


Comment Up

From: "Scott Maxwell"
Date: November 18, 2011 6:44:15 AM EST
To: "Pamela Lopez"
Subject:Monday night meeting

Is the Monday night 11/21/11 meeting a workshop or a special meeting? It has just occurred to me, that if not already the case, that it might better to assure that it is held as a special meeting in light of the cm's leaving town the very next day for a week.

A special meeting could give the commission the potential tool to take formal action on topics already scheduled that may in some cases be beneficial to the city in terms of negating the need to wait for an additional meeting to formally take action(s).

Please advise.

Sent from my iPad
From:"Silvina Donaldson"
Date: November 18, 2011 3:13:04 PM EST
To: "Kathleen Margoles"
Cc: "Susan Stanton", "Pamela Lopez"
Subject:FW: Monday night meeting

The Vice Mayor is looking for a Special Meeting (please see email below). I spoke with Pam Lopez, who is out of the office today, and Pam asked me to send an email to the City Manager to see if the Monday Commission meeting can be changed to a Special Meeting, as requested by the Vice Mayor, Scott Maxwell.


  1. Maxwell had a brain fart. Workshop? Special Meeting? Right.

  2. If the city clerk didn't know the answer I guess Stanton did. There will be a big cover up over this last minute change. We can do it--change you can believe in.

  3. You mean people who know how to read a Budget and have the ability to make a decision based on experience and personal knowledge don't have to Workshop everything?

    What is next---oversight of Stanton and required accountability by Stanton?

  4. Now, now, let's not get too arrogant here. Ability and experience for a $172 mil budget? Great stuff.
