Monday, November 14, 2011

Oath Ceremony

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I want to put the "worth" back into Lake Worth...let's get to work.
~Pam Triolo

It is great Kharma when your birthday falls on your Swearing In Day. It's a sunny new day in Lake Worth.
~Andy Amoroso

Commissioner Scott Maxwell: Folks, the time has come to take a step back, to re-evaluate and to re-prioritize our community’s true needs…It’s time to openly and honestly assess our true needs vs our “wants” or our nice to do’s, or in some cases, our personal agendas…Lake Worth, just like every city and town across America, must make economic development its first and only priority.While it is wise to look to the future and vision accordingly, it is equally, if not more important, to deal with the here and now, in real time and with meaningful and measurable results.

Although Commissioner Maxwell made a powerful speech, I have only included some important excerpts from that speech:
  • Challenge our city staff to find realistic incentives and value added services that will encourage and stimulate economic development as quickly as practical
  • Redeploy manpower away from the conservation program and place them into the code enforcement department, with the eye on eliminating the conservation surcharge from your electric bills as soon as possible.
  • Support, facilitate in any way possible, the efforts of the CRA’s nsp2 program to assure its success.
  • At a minimum, and as quickly as possible, return height limitations to levels that are consistent with our city charter.
  • Direct city to immediately stop all non essential spending and / or procurement proceedings.
  • I will call for an immediate review of the recently adopted general fund budget to identify and eliminate most, if not all, of the new spending initiatives, new personnel and waste.
  • And finally, direct the city administration that they have one week to find a way to eliminate the fire assessment
~Scott Maxwell


  1. Nice pictures Lynn. Thank you for capturing the moments.

  2. Great day. Good going Scotty!

  3. The crowd was so big that Pam Lopez, City Clerk herded a bunch of us standing in the rear into the conference room with stating the speakers work there. They didn't. So you won't see us in your pictures. But we wee there!

    I hope the frosted strip is taken off the door next to the city manager. I hope they get the speakers turned back on in the hallway and quit with keeping us in the peanut gallery from knowing what's going on.

    And Andy looked much better without his hat on. I hope he continues THAT look and ushers in a new, different majority.

    Go Andy! Go Pam! Thanks Scott!!!!

  4. Andy says he will continue to wear his cap. He likes it. Did you hear how they cheered today when he put it on? Those are his die-hard supporters. Not sure the rest of the city would agree with his fashion statement.

  5. I think Andy looks pretty handsome WITHOUT that hat.
