Monday, November 14, 2011

In with the New

Come down to City Hall, 9:30 today
and witness Pam and Andy taking the Oath of Office.

"Our best days are ahead of us," says Pam.

Upbeat and positive, Andy says, "I'm committed to
making city government work again."

Time will tell if these newly elected officials have the best interests of the residents of Lake Worth--will keep the city manager in check--will really listen--will do what's right at our Casino and our beach redevelopment--will insist on a forensic audit of our Utility--will take all the necessary steps to live within a Budget without special assessments--or whether it will be back to business as usual.

Promises are easy during a campaign. As someone said to me yesterday, "All we can do is hope." The Hebrew word “yachal” meaning “trust," is one definition of "hope." We trust these elected officials more than we did the "old" and we trust them to do it right--to make things whole.

The "Caver" side of Lake Worth politics is much more subdued than ever before. This trend has happened over the past several years. Those wanting to keep our small town charm are not engaging in the political spectrum and are much less vocal than they have been in the past. I'm just going to keep my fingers crossed for a good outcome and that those of us with like feelings wake up and speak louder than those who don't.

1 comment:

  1. Started out really liking your post today, and then really wasn't smiling at the end. I love the charm of small town Lake Worth, and I also like the idea of the town thriving...and our new commissioner and mayor do as well. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive. There's a vintage movie out there when the star makes a point about being able to move with the times using 'buggy whips' as a may have seen it, don't know, but the point was made that sometimes you can change your focus a little, and then everything comes together. I think that if we try, we can have our cake, and eat it too.... We all love Lake Worth, and are totally united on that front..... I am hopeful that the new more balanced dais is a Catalyst for everyone to start working together...
