Sunday, November 13, 2011

503-563-0050 Pesky and Persistent

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Has anyone been receiving unsolicited telemarketing calls to help you lower your credit card balance even though you are on the "no call list" and in many cases, do not even have a credit card balance?

The call is coming from:
Waldport, OR
zip: 97060
County: Lincoln
TimeZone: Pacific
Carrier/Company: Global Crossing Local Services,inc.-or

You can file complaints at

Katie says you can do the following: If you really want to get even, as their operators are trained to say they have no record of a customer at 503-563-0050, you can call Global Crossing at 1800-466-4600 / Global 1800-4500-4511 and and BUG THEM BACK.


  1. The burden of checking of who is on the Do Not Call lists lays with the business that is providing the telemarketing service. So please if you get calls from this group....File the complaint! They are obviously not doing their homework.

  2. Fat lot of good that will do!!! Flood this enabling carrier!!!

  3. I called the number bacvk and received a message stating that I should press 9 to have the calls stop and my number removed. I pressed 9 -- STILL GETTING CALLS! I just filed a complaint with the Fed Do Not Call people. YOU SHOULD ALL DO THIS!

  4. Yeah - asking the FEDS to do something is like shouting into a deep dark hole. You waste a lot of breath, and no one does a damn thing.

    I've been getting these calls twice - sometimes 3X a day - and yes - I'm on DNC.

    Worthless - just like every other government fix.

    A lot of say so but no do so.
