Monday, November 14, 2011

Lake Worth heading in a new direction?

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Right now, the most powerful person on the dais is Scott Maxwell. He has worked long and hard for this day to come where the majority vote would reverse. He had a powerful machine behind him screaming "anarchist," and making other wild assumptions but those who just went down to defeat can only blame themselves.

Jo-Ann Golden would only listen to the city manager rather than the people she served. Elected officials forget the "serving" part. Rachel Waterman wouldn't listen to anyone and held us all in contempt.

If either one of these former officials ever listened to anyone, it was only those few in their political camps who obviously gave them very bad advice. And the timing was just dreadful--taxes up, special assessments, water, sewer and hiring a company to find other ways to tax the people. They supported Susan Stanton to their own detriment and demise.

We are all looking forward to a Commission that knows they are the boss but more importantly, knows that they answer to all of us. We all have that in a promise but knowing politics the way that it is, more often than not those promises become a memory, get lost or swept under the nearest rug.

I queried one Realtor in attendance today who had a big smile on his face. He said, "It's been six long years" implying we have gone through hell here and now we have found our salvation. There has always been two directions for our city---build higher, build more, build everywhere or build smartly and keep our small town charm. I am in favor of the latter.


  1. I hoe Maxwell is appointed the New Vice Mayor..

  2. There is no doubt that he will be our next Vice Mayor. The question now is, who will be Vice Mayor Pro Tem? Will they pick Andy?

  3. I'm with you Lynn, I was always a fan of JoAnn who was my commissioner, I'm still a fan. But agree that in the past few years she seemed to do less and less to represent our district and instead seemed more interested in what I would call "fringe" issues.

    This new business friendly contingent, and I did vote for Andy (didn't vote for any of the Mayoral candiates) has their own agenda. And the fact that the realtors are happy has me concerned. There were a lot of bad projects and bad votes 6 years ago. Can't we have a commission that comes down in the middle?

  4. I see it like this--
    McVoy and Mulvehill will have a view.
    Amoroso and Triolo will have a different view at times.
    Maxwell will decide.

  5. Yes, the new elected officials will keep their sanity. Maxwell will continue on being the hothead but he might now have more power.
