Monday, November 14, 2011

Endorsement Correction

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Better late than never--
On November 5 I posted that the Lake Worth Democratic Club endorsed Waterman and Golden.

I was told today by two members of the Club that the Lake Worth Democratic Club did not endorse anyone. It apparently was the Democratic Executive Committee of Palm Beach County that made the endorsement.


  1. Well of course they did. More than likely they personally endorsed a Republican. So what's new?

  2. Now tell me why would a democrat ever endorse a democrat? At least we republicans don't hesitate.

  3. Who is the president of the Club? Is it still Drew?

  4. That's a good one, Lynn. This is the very same club where officers endorsed Dave Vespo, a Republican. I would say they are pretty much f**ked up. This Club used to have some good leaders and had the best candidate forum going. Look what has happened with ineffectual leadership. Yes, Drew was the President.

  5. Hey, don't talk dirty about this club. I was a member once and really loved the energy back then.
