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I never bet on stuff because when I do, I undoubtedly lose. So instead I am making a prediction:
1. The Dais will change on November 8
2. The Dais will change next year too.
After last night and what I had to sit through in order to listen to three commissioners and the Mayor justify having an anarchist on the Community Relations Board (CRB), who is now its Chair, and who believes that we live in a "police state," only shows to me that this commission is out of touch and out of tune. I can agree when Panagioti, the Chair of the CRB, says that public safety costs way too much. But to refer to PBSO's policies as "mafia-esque," and putting an end to industrial civilization and having the freedom to do what you damn well please are not ideals that I want for a member of any city board.
Many citizens spoke to Commissioner Maxwell's issue-- that of striking all references regarding law enforcement from the Ordinance of 2009 that created the CRB as part of the CRB's focus. Maxwell stated that under Florida Statutes 112.533, we had no right to investigate the PBSO, something Chair Tsolkas wants to do and something that Maxwell says would put the City in peril. It ended up that the city attorney would not give an opinion until she read the Statute and understood it. Cpt. Silva was encouraged to come before the body and speak to the issue and he said that it was up to Sheriff Ric Bradshaw on how the PBSO would accept or deal with the CRB and its demands.
It was voted that the entire issue concerning the CRB's desire to investigate law enforcement policies will move on to a joint meeting of the CRB and the PBSO. The reasons given were that the Commission did not have the back-up and supporting documentation, had not seen the Panagioti e-mail, no member of the CRB was present and they were unfamiliar with the Florida Statute. I would imagine that the Commission will be there too but there was no mention of that. I certainly hope that they will be a party to the meeting as they need to learn what in heck is going on and take responsibility for nominating a re-known anarchist/jail-bird, who has no use for government or its laws, as a member of the Community Relations Board. It was this very appointment that prompted the Zack attack and Dustin Zacks, a young smart lawyer, to enter the mayoral race.
It was a cross of political views throughout the City but predominantly conservatives such as myself...people who believe in law and order and are offended by those who advocate anarchy who spoke out last night. I honestly got the feeling that the Commission was just putting up with it all. The expressions and the looks on their faces as we all spoke were telling. Maxwell sat stone-faced, adamant on the direction that this Board should take and shouldn't take. The other four Commissioner's minds were already made up before that meeting. What was glaringly evident was that not one member of the CRB was present, probably told to stay away--another excuse the Commission could use to delay.
In defense of their actions, the Vice Mayor said that she was impressed with Panagioti's interview for the Community Relations Board and that perhaps we were making an issue on something that wasn't an issue. If you recall, a few years ago she backed Javier for Mayor for the very same ideals held by Panagioti. We, in the chamber, sat stunned. Mayor Waterman questioned whether the e-mail sent by Panagioti, wherein he claims all sorts of radical ideas, was personal. It doesn't matter whether it was a personal e-mail or sent as Chair of the CRB. The fact remains he IS Chair and should conduct himself as such, a representative of the entire City, not just anarchists. The egregious action, in the minds of the citizens, was that he was appointed to this Board to begin with. This was an outrageous decision by this Commission and one that has brought divisiveness to the City.
As John Pickett, Chair of the Finance Advisory Board said, "There is no shame in making a mistake. The only shame is in defending it."
Enough is enough Commissioners.
Read the Palm Beach Post article.
Of course not. No opinion from our city attorney. Why would we ever expect that?
ReplyDeleteMcVoy gave a speech last night that has me questioning his sanity.
ReplyDeleteLet's hope the new majority on the commission will vote to disband the CRB.
ReplyDeleteI'm just glad Pantigoti is in Greece helping them with all their problems.
It now boils down to 'Anarchy vs. Democracy' and Pam and Andy should use that slogan to their advantage, including posters with photos of the Anarchists.
ReplyDeleteThere is no way that McVoy, Mulvihill, or Golden actually believe in the garbage that Pantigoti preaches. Pretty clear Waterman does though. So it just goes to prove that those 3 really are mindless puppets on the dias following whatever orders Cara sends down to them, via text message, ipad. Weak representatives need to go!!! Get rid of useless Golden, Waterman, and then McVoy and Mulvihill the blind followers. I respect different opinions, but can't respect those who follow what they don't really believe in just for a little power to boost their own ego.
ReplyDeletePanagioti is a joke, he couldn't take over the city when he ran for mayor or when he tried to take over TRNA, he just wants to reek havoc in this city like Cara did. He, Javier, and Cara should get real jobs, they are all losers, what do they do for work? Sponge off the government and reek havoc here, they are living the ideals of Castro, they should gov live in Cuba. Mulvihill, McVoy, Waterman, and Golden will never get any more votes from me, they have turned this city into a banana republic of sorts. Peter just wants to bring back all the illegals and their lawlessness, the drug dealers, and the prostitutes, he like all this crime and chaos here. Does anyone with an education and some wisdom really have any respect for these clowns? I am sure Stanton is happy about this, she is in bed with all these monkeys. I am voting for Andy and Pam now, maybe they will have some ethics in dealing with all this stuff.
ReplyDeleteVery well said Lynn. Hope the voters of Lake Worth wake up to what is really going on in their city.
ReplyDeleteI feel so sorry for our city. The people elected these nuts because they were lied too. They are very good at spreading rumors and distorting the truth. Their real colors came out last night. Vote these jerks out.
ReplyDeleteI hope everyone keeps this logged in their computers, blogs and notebooks not only for this election but for next years as well.
ReplyDeleteThe commissioners that put this person on the CRB need to be held accountible for their bad decision.
This is absurd to the nTH degree and should never have been tolorated. Regardless if it was PBSO or our own City Police it would have been the same speach.
If you want to live in a lawless country then I suggest somewhere else other than the United States of America that are men and women have fought to protect for so many years. A Police State? BS
Laws and law enforcement are in place to protect and serve and frankly PBSO does a great job of it!
If you feel the same way panty-oti feels about law enforcement, next time you hear somebody breaking into your house in the middle of the night, call him instead of 911.
ReplyDeleteIf you feel the same way panty-oti feels about society, it is impossible to believe that anyone would every take what isn't theirs. So you would never have to worry about calling him or 911. It's utopia don't ya know. I am so looking forward to living in his perfect world with lots of free drugs, free love, no cops, no violence, no razors, no showers, no cars, no buildings, no cement... just a perfect peaceful world with lots of cool aid. All we have to do is get rid of PBSO and it will all fall into place.
ReplyDeletePickett had it right. The fact that the Fab Four would not only not admit to making a mistake, but also tried desperately to defend it just shows the arrogance and contempt these so-called representatives of the people have for the public. It would almost be funny if it wasn't so sad for the rest of us.And it happens all the time.
ReplyDeleteBut how do we get the word out to the public who don't read the blogs? I guarantee you If situations were reversed, Cara would figure out a way to call a press conference - same way she did with Scott Maxwell -
ReplyDeleteSo little time left...I should think the Tv news would find this all very interesting - how does one call a press conference? Perhaps announce a protest in the town square which the Tv would come to cover?
It's so frustrating that Cara and Panagiotti's agendas are so well organized - in what way did they distribute the fake letter about Andy?
Why can't we ever beat them?
What about Greg Rice?
ReplyDeletePerhaps the TV news would respond to him for a press conference?
McVoy should be exposed for his comments about having an anarchist appointed to a should the rest of them.
If the incumbents manage to win, then I give up. Really and truly give up.
"The city attorney would not give an opinion"-until she asked the City Manager what to do.Let's give this incredible legal mind ANOTHER 500 dollars a month for a car allowance!Maybe she'll drive out of town and nver come back!!
ReplyDeleteI know this is yesterdays news but the poster above that asked what can we do to get the word out; Go out and talk to your neighbor and show them what this guy's vision is for LW and tell them how the mayor and 3 current commissioners do not want to reel him in by removing him from that board.
ReplyDeleteIf there are 100 people who read the blogs & each of us convince 20 people to go out and vote Tuesday to change the incumbent elected majority we'll change this defiant group up there right now. If 100 of us can educate 20 people how these people running our city now are so far off-base with how we want to live, we can vote 2 of the 4 out now. We'll work on the other 2 next time.
Go out and talk to 20 people between now and Tuesday and we can do this. We don't need a press conference, we need to get out and talk to just 20 of our neighbors. If all of us do it: WE WIN! If not: THEY'LL DO IT AGAIN!
Lynn, guess this proves there is a Cabal.