Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Maxine on Elections

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We never should have changed from March to November elections years ago. NEVER. It was a former Commission's idea and it was terrible. The present Commission could have changed all that. They didn't. You might just as well put a noose around an incumbents' neck who is running for elected office during a Budget cycle where they have to decide--tax or not tax. But this commission, in total rapture of the city manager and all her plans, voted to screw you all against all common sense. They believed the tale. The City Manager brought forth new taxes and a special assessment. She extracted the fire pensions OUT OF THE OPERATING BUDGET in order to bill you personally and raise much needed revenue of $1.45 million for other things.

All any commissioner had to do was to say, "Let's delay a capital improvement this year and give the taxpayer a break." In fact, the mayor rejected that idea in total. All an incumbent commissioner had to do was to look for more cuts. They didn't. Their noose. And their goose might be cooked in 6 days.


  1. Can we put Maxine in as a write in candidate?

  2. I hope we have major change in a week! I will not vote for any of the incumbents, especially because of their votes for more taxes and assessments, but also because they have been delinquent, they do not return calls or e-mails to us, this is unacceptable, I want representatives who respond to me the constituents, they haven't I say adios to both Golden and Waterman, no more gold and water, we need the one who comes from Italy and love!

  3. Italy I understand. But love is a little foggy, unless you mean the love for the Money made in his store.

  4. I think I will cross of Dustin, and write in Maxine.............
