Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Coalition for Economic Prosperity for Andy

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Campaigns and politics are always a "trip" for me. Without them, we bloggers would have nothing to do in Lake Worth. It would be the same o, same o ribbon cutting free lunch stuff that drives you crazy.

This letter was received today from another "feel-good" "group." It would have been much better if the Coalition for Economic Prosperity had stayed in the closet. It's sort of like I first voted for it and then I voted against it.

Click photo to enlarge


  1. Gee that's funny, I was in Andy's store after he had filed, and his signs started popping up all over town, and the porn, and toy's were still there. Ask if he moved it under the counter. You know the old saying "out of sight, out of mind."

  2. I can't find out anything about this "group." It sounds fictitious. If this was a campaign strategy FOR Andy, it certainly was STUPID.

  3. You can bet Andy didn't send that letter out. There's no such group registered with the state that I could find.

  4. It seems like this is actually a group trying to discredit Andy, but they are pretending to be part of his campaign. I knew the anarchist alliance was too quiet. Now their dirty tricks are coming out full swing. And the irony is they want to legalize everything (read the Tsolics manifesto on the other blog), but are trying to make Andy look bad for selling sexually related products - like we all are offended by sex. The lies and hypocracy are pretty sad. Tsolsics & Jennings are the worst hyppocrites, want to save the world, but justify doing it by lying and cheating. LOSERS... go occupy a shower.

  5. This is only a pretty clever smear tactic against Andy - totally fictitious group - they do know how to get down and dirty.

  6. totally fake group unregistered in Florida....

  7. Someone must be very scared about the fact that Andy will probabaly win.Nasty campaign stuff comes back to bite people. Remember the "Mcvoy Mad Scientist" flyer? It actually helped Mcvoy.Lake Worth is not exactly a city of puritans.Look at the city manager we hired. Right now more than a few people are probably asking"sex toys? Where is Andy's shop"?

  8. That's what you get for planting Dusty

  9. Remember Andy was appointed to the CRA by these idiots, maybe they feel he is just to radical for the City, and that is why they are no smearing him
