Thursday, November 10, 2011

Cirrus Clouds

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This evening

Cirrus clouds are atmospheric clouds generally characterized by thin, wispy strands, giving them their name from the Latinword cirrus meaning a ringlet or curling lock of hair. Wikipedia

I like cloud formations. They are all unique just like snowflakes. We have great sunrises and sunsets that are also one of a kind but clouds are overlooked.


  1. All of your pictures of the sky are wonderful. Maybe get the moon, sunset or clouds tomorrow on

  2. You are so right Lynn. Clouds are overlooked and this is true in the art world as well. We see many sunrises and sunsets.If you want to see clouds in art seek out paintings by the Dean of Florida landscapes A.E. Backus. Clouds were his specialty and he was magnificent at it. There is a museum in Ft. Pierce dedicated to this artist.A very enjoyable adventure to be sure.

  3. Backus' trees are so terrific that the clouds are just considered a secondary but most important part of his art. I have 4 Highwaymen paintings and each is special. I bought the official poster from SunFest last year by Backus, had it framed,(cost a bloody fortune) and I just love to look at that beach scene every day.

  4. We have a few things in common.

  5. Thanks Lynn, I just got back from a week long trip in New Mexico, Albuquerque and Santa Fe, the clouds there are spectacular, along with the scenery, the moutains, rocks, stones, it is all such a paradise, I learned why Georgia O'Keffee wanted to go there and paint from there, if you haven't gone to New Mexico to see all the cool cloud formations, it is a must see Lynn, it is just amazing! Thanks for all you do and all your sharing here on your blog, keep up the great work!

  6. Lynn,

    Google chemtrails and silfs and you will find an eerie resemblance to the picture you posted. Maybe we should be paying more attention to the skies above us.


  7. Hadn't thought of that Mark. Thanks. Interesting.
