Thursday, November 10, 2011

Gay Victories on Tuesday's Elections

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"LGBT activists are calling Michael Smith’s defeat of Largo, Fla., incumbent city commissioner Mary Gray Black a double sweet victory. Black led an effort to fire transgender former city manager Susan Stanton, who had been city manager for more than 14 years until her 2007 termination after announcing she was transitioning."

Read more about Gays sweeping the elections.


  1. Hopefully this commission will will operate and remove this cancer we got from Largo!!

  2. Hopefully, and I expect it to happen, this Commission will work WITH the city manager. We have two sane people elected. We now have the far right with Maxwell who wants to chop off her head to the other extreme who worships her every breath. Triolo and Amoroso will have some common sense.

  3. Wow, what a great and inspiring story, I am so proud of gays and their movement for acceptance and presence. We are all around here and we need to be accepted and embraced, not treated like freaks, we deserve full marriage equality and full equality for all things, gays serve in the military and have for 100's of years, now they can do this freely, we must continue to fight for all rights in this country, we still do not have all the same freedoms heterosexuals have, but we must and will. We need equal rights for gays to marry and bring their bi-national partners here to the USA without any problems just as heterosexuals have been able to do forever now, it just is not fair, gays do not have all the same freedoms that heterosexuals have, yet have to pay the same amount of taxes, and it needs to be corrected once and for all. It is great to read all of this new here that Lynn posted and see that gays are making great strides in being accepted into our community as they should be, being gay is not a choice like some like to believe, it is genetic and we are born this way, and we should not have to deny our sexual orientation just to fit into society, we deserve all the same rights and acceptances as our heterosexual counterparts. Until we do, we will continue to work toward getting them all! Yes we can!

  4. What a great story, they just forgot to add that our very own Andy Amoroso, our new Lake Worth City Commissioner was elected and is openly gay, this is another success for gays, Andy is great, he care, he is involved, and yes he is gay and will admit it openly. He is here for all people gay or straight and he will make a fine commissioner. I liked that Andy even mentioned openly at the debates that he was out of the closet and gay, it is great that a person has the courage to do this and then still be elected. Andy we are so proud of you!
