Friday, November 11, 2011

Remember Our Veterans

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The closest service is:

Veterans Bicentennial Park
411 N. Federal Highway
Boynton Beach
American Legion Post 164 Honor Guard, firing squad and Bugler


  1. Nothing at Pinecrest?

  2. Whatever is Lake Worth's problem?

  3. I will tell you what Lake Worth's problem is. I spoke out against the travesty that happened in our City last year when we did not host a Veteran's Day Parade. I spoke to one of the organizers from a Veteran's group in West Palm Beach who told me that they had a parade planned last year and Susan Stanton at the 11th hour recinded the waiver of the fees and they had to pull out. I approached them about planning a honor ceremony this year and they were not interested siting that the bitter taste they have in their mouth is thanks to the arrogance of our city manager. Let's hope that either her attitude changes or her employement does!

    Mark A. Parrilla

  4. There was an unauthorized Veteran's Day Parade from IGots to TooJays today at 3:00. One news station was there and I believe 2 police cars. Local vets made their statement to continue with our parade. Alot of pride was evident, who knows maybe next year will be different. Anyways, thanks to our Vets!
