Monday, October 24, 2011

Marriage Vows

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Jaime and Tony got Married.


  1. Why even get married if you have a good friendship with someone.Gay or not. Its a different world today.Just look at the movie stars and the failed marriages and the bickering over the money, etc.

  2. Tony explained that in the article. On top of everything else, it really does validate their relationship and certainly everything they have been advocating. People want that.

  3. That is nice, they are lucky they can and they are both American although they had to go to another state. I wish my bi-national partner and I could marry, we have to have avlong distance relationship from Florida to Colombia, it is so hard. We need gay marriage for all the USA, a federal law for immigration purposes. So many of my friends have married and brought their husbands/wives here from other countries, it was easy for them as they are straight, gays cannot do this in the USA, I cannot just bring my partner here since gay marriage is not allowed federally in the USA or Colombia. It really stinks, we need equal marriage rights for all people. And I agree with Tony, I think it really does validate a relationship and we need this for gays. I wish Obama would move on this issue. Congratulations!

  4. Perhaps a better question to consider might be...

    "Who the Heck are 'they' to 'permit' us to Marry anyway?!?"

    The heart loves who the heart loves.

    I wonder if government did their duty in Protecting OUR Individual Rights instead of viewing us as 'revenue generators', would this even be an issue. We would just get married!

    If it makes the people happy, and it's accepted in their community. so be it.

    Congratulations Jamie and Tony!

  5. I support the rights of all people to do what ever they want. I do not think the contract between two same sex people should be called marriage. Civil unions with full rights as marriage is fine with me and most people who oppose gay marriage. I also think civil unions should be open to opposite sex couples with the difference being the legal aspect completely separate from the spiritual.

    Call me old fashioned, but you marry to have children and raise a family.

    This may make me a bigot to some. This is still America and I have a right to an opinion.

    And "Best of Luck" to Jaime and Tony!! Congratulations and may you stay together forever.
