Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Last Night's Candidate Forum

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As I was walking to the Playhouse to hear the debate, I noticed Amoroso/Triolo signs on vehicles parked all along the south side of Lake Avenue that were in close proximity to and in front of the theater. They must have been parked there from early morning in order to get the strategic location for their campaign. No one got marked tires. This was a special event.

Across the street Ozzie Ona with another supporter, was installing a banner on a car for Waterman. This was the exact same banner, hand painted by Susan Ona, that was stolen during the special election only a few months ago and that was eventually recovered.

"Truth is on the march; nothing can stop it now," said Dustin Zacks, a quote of EMILE ZOLA, manifesto, Le Figaro. Le Figaro is a conservative newspaper in France and has been around since 1826 going through various owners. The newspaper, inspite of the Socialism in France, still adheres to the belief that "newspapers must promulgate healthy ideas", and that "left-wing ideas are not healthy ideas."

I did not feel there was any candidate who stood out over any other last night. I have always said that if Zacks, a young lawyer from Detroit, had gone into this race with the plan to give it his best shot, to win rather than taking the occasional pot shot, he could have had a chance. I am still confused as to why he is here. He said that it was to bring forth his ideas. There were two central themes with Zacks--Waterman not the one for the mayoral spot and last night he posed the question, "Is the mayor telling the truth?" And the other was our land use regulations. There are some who will agree with him on both counts. Being a city that is 6 square miles with the most density in Palm Beach County, we don't want to follow in Detroit's footsteps and build too high to destroy our small town charm and feel but re-building on the Dixie Corridor and eventually the Park of Commerce is a must.

John Rinaldi, owner of Sabal Palm Bed & Breakfast, was the moderator, chosen to replace John Bachman who had a personal conflict and had to cancel. Rinaldi asked the questions provided by the Neighborhood Council that were slanted with a definite point of view and were at times, not particularly fair and balanced. There were a few occasions when he was jeered by the audience.

However, the questions were chosen by the Council and therefore we are to assume that they represented the feelings and concerns of its membership that is city-wide. The people who packed the theater that holds 300, do not feel that they have been taken seriously and the neighborhood association members know that they can and have accomplished much within their communities whereas the city falls short more times than not

The very same candidates asking for change want to be a part of that very establishment as they believe that they "have the answers." Nothing could be more sweet than to have an election right after a Budget has been set to raise taxes and special assessments. This is an incumbents' nightmare but the Commission could have changed the election to March--it didn't seize the opportunity nor did it see the value. The Commission did not have to vote for the fire special assessment. It did not have to go against the will of the people.

In Andy Amoroso's summation, he called for change. In two weeks, we might just have it.


  1. I didn't think anyone was that much better than anyone else either. If you were there and didn't know what was going on, all made good points other than Golden on special assessments. She really believes that malarkey and that makes it even worse.

  2. I thought that John Rinaldi was the worst choice for moderator last night, I did not like how he presented questions and his occasional obvious biases. The Neighborhood Council made a huge mistake selecting John, they needed to get someone outside the city who is not known like John and his business here. He has commented negatively so many times on all these city blogs and just is not the right choice for something like this. It was of poor taste. I have lost all respect for him, Ryan Anderson and the NAPC. The NAPC is losing a lot of respect in our minds now, what a setup with these obvious questions poised. They almost were trying to get at Waterman intentionally, it was so obvious. Ryan Anderson should be ashamed of himself again, this is of very poor taste and unprofessional. If you want to earn respect you need to show it and give it. I agree with Lynn, overall, none of the candidates really stood out. I think Andy and Triolo did the best of all of them. I was hoping that Dusty would announce that he was dropping out, so that he could endorse Triolo to have people give her his votes so that we can prevent a runoff again. We need to save money. I hope Andy is right and that we have change on Nov. 8, we need someone who will listen to the citizens and vote for what we want. I am fed up with people like Waterman and Golden who do not respond to our calls and e-mails nor vote the will of the people. May the best people win for our great little city by the sea.

  3. When the moderator became a candidate, that's when I left. It was disgusting.

  4. That’s a little unfair, Jaime. The new Mayor has implemented a new tax and threatened to raise the salaries of Commissioners after the City laid off 70+ people in the four months that she’s been in office. The questions seemed to be targeted at current issues and it just so happened that the incumbents on stage were part of making those decisions. This isn’t slanted, it’s fact. I agree that some of the commentary made by Mr. Rinaldi may have been leading and long winded but he was an alternate choice who may not have experience moderating. It’s a job I wouldn’t want and I admire him for having the courage to do it. All in all I think it was a positive experience and I thank the associations for putting it all together for us.

  5. They should have had shorter questions that candidates could answer quickly and move on. These guys aren't gonna be president of the US or anything. We all know what they're about already and are just there to see how they handle presenting themselves to the public.

    All candidates did a good job except for Zacks. I was expecting him to drop out and endorse Triolo last night. What happened?

  6. Dennis and I walked out when Rinaldi got in the act.
    J. Jordan

  7. I have still not made up my mind on this election. I want to see the opponents address the Johnny Longboats problem. Do they want to see our beach change with rowdy bars til 2am. If they do, they don't get my vote on that one issue alone. It is major. Zacks, the kid, probably loves the idea which makes me worry about Triolo.

  8. Opinion: Anonymous posters are cowardly.

    Fact: Rinaldi and Paxman (last week's moderator) are both Triolo donors.

    Opinion: NAPC and the NA's better do better if they want respect as objective groups and not politicized mobs.

    Fact: Salary raises were discussed in the context of a vote not to do so this year, but never "threatened".

    Opinion: The commissioners do a hard job in a complex city and the issue is a legitimate one to discuss if they feel like it.

    Opinion: Zacks is in this for the publicity.

    Fact: I work for Rachel Waterman but my opinions are my own.

    Sam Goodstein

  9. Sam Goodstein is the same guy who was the treasurer for the Valera campaign two years ago.

    Looks like you can't make up your mind on which camp to pick, Sam. And it looks like your "facts" and "opinions" keep changing depending on whatever promises for social reform your favorite candidate gives you.

    FACT: Sam Goodstein is a socialist and will vote for whatever candidate is furthest to the left.

    OPINION: You should disregard everything Sam Goodstein says.

  10. The truth of the matter just like every election....this one will also come and go...The real deal is in what happens afterwards.

    Will incumbents or new elected officials really make a difference? You can blame one or the other if you want but the bottom line is, we are a diverse city and everyone has the right to thier own opinion. Vote!

    "The will of the people" or "The people have spoken" has been misused for years in this town to only represent the few. And that is more appropriate to stop using that language on Commissions and Boards alike. These sayings are thrown at just about everything but can really only be used when a majority vote is won.

    BUT if the other legal voters do not become educated on the issues and vote this trend will continue.

    So regardless of who said what or who did what or not it is probably US the people who read the blogs and go to meetings that will be the only ones to vote. So when "US" are out in the public and someone makes a complaint about this or that...Ask....Did you vote for the change that you want?

    By the way folks EVERYTHING is political including opinions regardless if you want to beleive it or not. And yes even anonymous posters view as well is political...Welcome to reality.

  11. Fact: Waterman supported the fire assessment concept and would have voted for it at her $42 rate.

    Fact: Waterman voted for the increased spending in the budget.

    Fact: The owner of the home that Waterman supposedly rents does not have a license to rent the property.

    Fact; Waterman was advised of code violation at the property where she lives.

    Fact: Waterman keeps saying her husband is an artist and has a business in Lake Worth.

    Fact: Yure Alencar does not have a business license in Lake Worth or Palm Beach County.

    Fact: Waterman continues to send out campaigh flyers showing her family.

    Fact: Yure Alencar was ordered to pay child support (back to 7/1/09 and future from 4/1/11) to Waterman by PBC court.

    More facts available on request.

  12. I still want to know what church do they attend int he community or what religion they are, I could care less about political party or alliance, it is more about their faith, I want to live in a community of faith and would love to know which religion they practice, kudos to Triolo, she was the only one that printed on her campaign materials that she is Catholic and goes to Sacred Heart Church, I am glad one person is not afraid to share what faith they are and what church they go to.

  13. Sam,
    It is my opinion that staying anonymous, more ideas can be disseminated without knowing "who" is bringing it to the table. I wouldn't know who Sam Goodstein is if you wore it on your forehead so I have no opinion of you... only your ideas.

    As far as the Neighborhood Associations showing disrespect for the questions asked, at least as far as Waterman was concerned, it was well deserved. She disrespected ALL neighborhood associations by refusing to attend forums and I hope she pays with her returning to the un-employment line. She should have been dis-invited to the NAPC forum for her antics. I do fault them on that count.

    How do YOU show respect for someone who.... avoids letting you know how she feels about topics important to you and me? Raises taxes and fees beyond the legal limit and then tells you how she voted against it?? Tells you that your opinion is not welcome in workshops but then chides those who prefer not to attend or choose to listen from home??? walks away from not one, not two... but three pieces of real estate and credit card debt, but then tells us to pay more and what is a fairer way to collect our money???? doesn't question ANY of the figures coming from Stanton and even though she has run up the amount of people making over $100K, lays off 70+ employees, all "low level" of course????

    What ideas from Triolo did you hear that you didn't like?

    Since SHE raised the issue of pay raises for the Mayor and Commissioners, she could have brought it to the floor and then vote against it like she did the A$$MENTS as long as she knows it would pass on a 3 to 2 vote.

    Opinion: You are backing a PHONY!

  14. I thought blogging was all about opinions freely expressed. If I think anonymous posters are cowardly don't I have a right to think so? I didn't try to tell you to do something different, do whatever you like. As pointed out, I'm nobody special, so why should it bother you what I think?

    As for Varela (not Valera), it's inconsistent to say I back the most leftist candidate, when it is common knowledge that CJ was backing Lawrence MacNamara, and that the R's were courting RV. Local politics is a muddle, and if you only think left-right you will end up confused. And I guess I don't understand puwhy people think being called a socialist is an insult. I like social security, medicare, food stamps for the needy, and unemployment insurance. Unlike Ayn Rand, I've never used these, but I believe in taking care of those who need help. I think that's in the Bible, leaving the corners of your fields uncut, stuff like that.

    Triolo seems like a nice hausfrau who has no idea what being a Mayor entails. Perhaps she believes everyone will be nice to her because she's nice, and she'll go to lots of breakfasts and ceremonies. She brings no competencies that even suggest she'd ever be able to do the job. She also shows poor judgment in allowing Zacks to appear to be her attack dog.

    Sam Goodstein

  15. "Hausfrau" doesn't seem like the appropriate word to fully describe Pam Triolo. She is a sucessful business woman whose career spans 20 years of continuous work. Waterman on the other hand has been unemployed as much as employed and living off others. I will take a newcomer with documented success in business over someone who depends on others and has a disasterous financial background.

  16. Thats what liberals do. Hausfrau my ass. Goodstein is a Marxist. What can you expect. Just think about it. He is part of the Waterman campaign.

  17. Sam what does Waterman bring to the table, other being CJ mouth piece?
