Monday, October 24, 2011

Campaign abuses

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Corner of Detroit and Lake Worth Road
Frye property

In every election, without exception, there is one abuse after another. It's either in the number of political signs on a property or the candidate himself not filling out his T-Report correctly. The above signs need a mention because 1) I published illegal waterman signs and 2) no one is an exception over anyone else. I even gave a heads up to one of the candidates two weeks ago who said they would take care of the above illegal signs. This is what to expect from politicians. Also, have you noticed all of the lack of information on the T-Reports with some of the candidates such as--

  • not using a complete name but initials of the contributor
  • not using a street address
  • not using a city or state
  • Using a PO Box instead of the physical location

If we get sloppy work and lack of detail such as this, what else can we expect?

Campaign accounts can stay open for years, or even decades. Ex-Rep. Mark Foley (R-Fla.), infamous for the inappropriate online exchanges he had with House pages, still has more than $1.2 million in his federal campaign account, nearly five years after he resigned. Read more at The Hill.

It's nice to have friends in "high" places and supporters who are enthusiastic. Mark Foley even gave Andy Amoroso $500 for his campaign. So did Vicky Frye give to him and to Triolo.


  1. I applaud the equal treatment even though most of us obviously support one or the other team of candidates.

    How do we report sign theft?? Every time I put up my Andy & Pam signs, they are gone by morning. It's so immature to steal a sign, c'mon people.

  2. I actually know of some who have not yet made up their minds. They are afraid of the unknown being just as bad if not worse than what we have. God help us all.

    As far as signs go, are they on your property or on the swale? No one I know would remove a sign even if it were illegally placed.

  3. As you said before Lynn, illegal is illegal. Now as far as contributions go, how about the union money, IBEW and Ironworkers PAC, going to Waterman and the $1000 from the Dem Party of Florida?

  4. I don't like any Unions giving money to our candidates.
    Waterman & Golden both got $500 from the Firefighter's. Voting to assess the people for their pensions I presume.
    Triolo got $500 from the Realtor's...they want to build and build.
    I especially do not like Republicans and Democrats getting involved in our elections. It is too bad that Scott Maxwell started that trend.

  5. I am confused when it comes to the signs. Waterman has 2 different signs one that says elect, and one that says re elect if she is the standing Mayor should her signs for this election ALL say re elect. I know she says she is green, but reusing sign's when it is not right would be considered illegal also would it not?

  6. In your opinion, but what does the Law read?

  7. Well, since you don't believe me, why don't you LOOK UP THE LAW?

  8. Golden is also breaking the law at 120 North D Street, too many signs on one property. Sounds like Golden and Waterman both have this problem too. Not one is better than the other.

  9. I'm sure the candidates have asked their suppoorters to abide by the sign ordinance. But when a resident expressed concern tha Waterman supporters had called Dustin Zacks' campaign to ask why he would run and make Waterman go through a reelection, she had the following to say in the Commission meeting: I can only be responsible for my own actions. So Lynn, the same must apply to all the candidates. They can ask supporters to limit the number of signs, but ulimately the responsibility is on the resident.

    In Waterman's case, the illegal signs were outside her residence so she was responsible. Of course her way of dealing with the warning was to cause a commotion at cashier window at 1900 2nd Ave. N and have an 11-year code employee disciplined for doing his job.

  10. The city clerk is asleep at her job. It is her job to make sure that campaign reports are done correctly. She sure as heck went over save our Neighborhood and the Supermajority reports with a fine tooth comb!

  11. I would bet that most people have no idea about sign ordinances.

  12. Yeah, I wasn't aware of the limits on campaign signs until I read this blog. Not that ignorance is an excuse and you'd think someone running for election would have reviewed these types of laws. I have no signs in my yard b/c I'm not supporting any candidates and don't know who I'll be voting for yet.

  13. Jo Ann Golden is also violating the sign code at her own personal residence where she has 5 signs around her property. This and the Mayor's reaction and behavior over her own violation are just a symptom I believe of their arrogance that rules apply to the "peanut gallery" and not to them.
