Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Letter to the Lake Worth Candidates

September 2011

Dear Mayor, Commission and Candidates for election:

First of all I want to wish you all the very best in your election. Normally I would work behind the scenes for my candidate and donate money and time to a campaign(s) of my choice but in this instance I feel that you have cost me:

  • $60 in a fire assessment to pay for the Union retirement pensions that will go up every year
  • $30 possibly in a street light assessment
  • You have opened the door to more and more assessments to circumvent the 10 mil cap
  • $$$$$$$$$$ when the city manager brought up the possibility of paying for $2 million in turtle lighting in a special assessment
  • 13% more in sewer rates per month
  • 5.25% more in water per month
  • and all the other fees throughout the City that have gone up as well and the future creation of special assessments to pay for misfeasance, malfeasance or just plain lousy government
So, I am in the hole. I am paying supposedly for the Fire Union pensions that are so far out of whack when Seniors live on NO pension other than social security that has not been increased in 4 years. Unions are all bankrupting the city. The City has not cut waste nor has it reduced spending and you constantly vote for the free lunch. No capital improvements were cut. Spending should be stopped other than the absolute essentials. Raises should be frozen and no new positions funded.

In view of these decisions made by you, as well as interfering with the State of Arizona who is trying to enforce Federal law when it comes to illegals, your decisions have been detrimental to the welfare of your constituency causing undue hardship on the retired and the working class in this City. You have taken the easy way out by a snap of your fingers by agreeing with Staff. Therefore, I can not contribute to your campaign.

Because you have alienated many of your past supporters by ignoring their pleas and not responding to calls or e-mails except at election time, I will not support you. You have cast aside this entire section of voters on Lake Osborne Drive. Because you have not done your homework and only are mesmerized by Staff, I will not support you.

Good luck to one and all and God bless the residents of Lake Worth.


Lynn Anderson
a disillusioned former supporter

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