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Someone commented on this blog on townhouses: Where are all the empty townhouses you speak of? Many are selling for affordable prices to new younger residents that are paying taxes and utilities, and now assessments. Also spending their money downtown. What's wrong with that? Even if they're rented?
It's true. They are selling for songs right now as they have been empty for years and many in foreclosure. Take a closer look at our townhouse housing stock:
Existing Townhouses
Parrot Cove - 35 - only 14 have homestead $248,00 built, now
Coco Walk - 13 - no homestead $560,000 built, now $93,000 -
Cloisters - 36 - no homestead, $456,000 built, now $118,000.
Hammon Park - 13 - no homestead $415,000 built, now $67,000. Look what they did over there? They took away the amenities and sold the land to Publix.
Courtyards - 56 - only 11 have homestead $368,000 built, now
Tuscan Village - 15 - no homestead, $865,000 built, now $114,000.
Pickford Place - 8 - 4 have homestead, $360,000 built, now $82,000
Townhouses have made no economical sense in Lake Worth or anywhere else during this down economy. Is this what you want to happen on Lake and Lucerne just so that the CRA can spend its grant money on time? So you really want to take that chance of another unsuccessful townhouse project sitting empty for a developer who can't even tell you what the sales prices are? The Planning & Zoning Board needs to do its job here. The CRA, on the other hand, should present a sensible project, one that artists can afford and one in which people will want to live.
I am still troubled that the City will take out the shuffleboard courts. Recreation is a main attraction for people who want to settle here. Amenities are always an attraction for anyone wanting to buy a condo or townhouse type of dwelling. Those proposed on Lake and Lucerne will have zero amenities.
I guess any two story dwelling that happens to be connected to another two story dwelling shall henceforth be labeled a townhouse.
ReplyDeleteSince one of the main reasons we beat out many other communities for the whopping $23 Million dollars of Obama money to stimulate and stabilize, was to build an artist "live/work" complex and for it to be "affordable", what would you suggest? Would more single family houses with a garage in the rear be more to your liking? On Lucerne Ave? This project was given to William Waters, our city planner, for his input and designs for that area of the city (on Lucerne Ave)
and he did a good job in separating the buildings so that they DON'T look so much like townhouses.
The rush to spend the money is not the only reason, but the deadline is immanent. Let's face it; Cara thinks a project like this will cause "gentrification" and so will do what she can to stall and deny it from happening.
"You don't need a weather vane to know which way the wind blows".
two comments
ReplyDeleteWhy did the city not take up the Lake Worth Art Leagues offer for that space it would have been the perfect segue to the upcoming arts effort by the CRA in that area. They are one of the oldest cultural assoc. in Palm Beach Co. (with the centennial)they are a local treasure. There would be no Noton Museum had it not been for the formation of this cultural institution.
As to the Lofts. They are located in a commercial area and so should be allowed to conduct business as art is their business.
If the property is zoned for it, then let it be. Whether you or the P&Z board likes the project is irrelevant. The P&Z's job is only to ensure a project complies with zoning, not their personal whims. More importantly, this is a positive move for the City, the area west of Dixie, and will be infinitely better than what is there. It is proposed as affordable live-work lofts for artists. How is that a bad thing? And by the way, there are many of us in the city who actually like the project.
ReplyDeleteI wish the project a lot of luck. It will need it. Gentrification? I doubt it. These will not be wealthier people buying into this development. It will be poorer folks as the NSP2 is targeted at affordable housing, in this case, artists. So, Cara has nothing to do with this really other than trying to ensure, as a P&Z member, that the project will be good for this area and good for Lake Worth, not jsut meeting a Grant deadline.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the number of non homesteaded single family homes that have fallen into foreclosure, disrepair and blighted during the same time frame? Much higher than the numbers you quote. You said in the past you don't give a rat's ass about what goes there, why the negative blog? And if you don't think Cara's not trying to delay and influence the program try again.
ReplyDeleteHey, you don't like the facts? Sorry about that. This is about townhouse projects that have FAILED. Thanks for your opinion and the suggestion that you can read into the future. Hope this one will be a success. The simple fact that this one is not even as good looking as most of those listed above, makes me wonder.
ReplyDeleteOne I did not think this was a negative blog but a blog about town houses....TWO this is not townhouses in the traditional sense and I would suggest everyone to look at the back up and understand what your talking about before you cast judgement.
ReplyDeleteLast what works in one area of the city might not work in another but you don't know unless you try.
Past "Townhouse" projects failed but does not mean that an Artist project to encourage positive development in an area of town that can use a boost will fail.
None of us can for see the future but I think the project has some potential if done right.
Lynn's numbers are pretty close by the way its just this project is something new and edgy and could be at least a try!
By the way the market will not always be at crash level....
Your last post responding to a prior post starts out with someone's opinion that there may be the same or more foreclosed or abandoned single family residences percentage-wise as opposed to townhouses. He/she didn't cite facts. Then you go on to opine that the "affordable" live/work spaces are ugly.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a fan of the aforementioned townhouses, especially the "double stacked" complexes, which most are. This CRA proposed design does not double stack the project. Since they are designed to be affordable the price shall be set at affordable levels based on the occupant's income and other criteria.
Anna Maria, these can only be used as residences due to the requirements of the grant. They were discussing changing the rules to allow selling their artwork from their live/work space which seems reasonable but should be looked at closely so that abuses can't take place.
Cara and Linda and Gail and Lawrence definitely have an agenda and it reeks from the board as they speak.
"Gentrification" is not to keep "rich" people from moving into these spaces. It is the fear that all the new construction in the area will raise property values in the area making the area less affordable for poor people.
Therefore, the P&Z must try to obstruct and delay any issues brought before them. This delay and obstruct tactic will help us lose MILLION$ of the NSP2 grant. We need the P&Z to work WITH the CRA, not against.
A former CRA member stated publicly that she was against doing anything that will raise property values for the above reason. These are the same people (Cara's people) who are the majority now on the P&Z board.
The only way we are going to make REAL progress in Lake Worth is to improve conditions and our neighborhoods making people WANT to move and live here. People WANTING to move and live here will drive property values and, inturn, tax revenue to the city.
*******They do not want this*****
That, my dear, is fact.
What's their "agenda," dear?
ReplyDeleteTheir agenda is stated above... to obstruct and delay until, in some cases, people get tired of fighting their unreasonable demands, or in the case of the NSP2, we hit a hard deadline and the money goes to another deserving community.
ReplyDeleteIf you listen to their objections such as Lawrence's comment that they are so different than the neighborhood, (a good thing in my opinion) or Linda's comment that she didn't like the rooftop gardens for potential noise reasons, or that they didn't like little windows on the ends of the buildings allowing natural light into the apartments, not enough "green space" when we can only water once a week, not enough pervious area for water to drain... and on and on.
The project meets all the planning and zoning codes now and come within a Cara's whisker of meeting the upcoming, more restrictive codes. And the CRA is willing to meet THEM if they are assured of a quick approval so they can get going on the construction.
Lake Worth is the epitome of an "affordable" community. Your statistics above bear this out. Where else can section 8 families live in dwellings with granite counter tops and stainless steel appliances? Why are they so much against a project that has potential to kick start the Western core area that is in SO much need of redevelopment and improvement.
Again I ask, would you rather see single family one story homes with live/work being a garage in the rear on Lucerne Ave?
How would you improve what was proposed?
This was the first time that the P&Z board had even SEEN this project. They were not there to vote on anything,just give sugesstions.Joan Oliva acted like a demented diva,as usual. If that stick up her ass goes any further,she'll have to start wwearing a hat!This was an ambush by the director of the CRA,make no mistake. Joan had packed the room with old CRA rejects to back her up. (the same CRA rejects that squandered MILLIONS of our tax dollars on two county roads so that their developer cronies would have a nice road into the town that they intended to rape).The same failed developments that Lynn talked about in another blog. The same failed townhouses that are bringing property values of the surrounding structures down.Joan's project looked like an industrial peice of crap!Not one ounce of charm. I appluad the P&Z board. Joan Oliva needs to apologize for her little stunt.
ReplyDeleteIs it not amazing that townhouses have thrived in cities to the South, and North of us, while in Lake Worth they fail. Could it be the Utilities? Could it be the Local Government? Makes one want to stop and say HUMMMMMM.
ReplyDeleteOne good point made but several posts on this one is plain and simple.
ReplyDeleteCRA and P&Z both need to collaborate on these projects and by working together the projects can come forward with better plans and designs.
The FACTS are we all need to read the NSP2 Grant as the grant is very specific with what the funds can be spent on...That does not mean the design can not be improved upon.
Lets find a ground to work on QUICKLY and make good decisions that will last for years to come.
The above post is indicative of the gentrification mindset of our "earthy" friends. The redevelopment of both 6th and 10 avenues, as well as attracting a downtown grocery store was seen as major needs of Lake Worth if it was to improve. This was from a study conducted back in 2005 by the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council. Obviously, these improvements could lead to (gasp) higher property values.
ReplyDeleteThe P&Z didn't want to hear about the project until the new regs were in place, but.... because there is a deadline, the CRA needs answers NOW. What problems would the board have with the project? What changes would the board like to see to approve and move the project forward? If that constitutes an ambush, it illustrates how business "un-friendly" this administration has become.
I was there and didn't see any of the old CRA rejects as you call them. There were artists that spoke though. The director did look disgusted at some of the insane questions and comments being made by the board members. Many in the audience were also amazed at how this could be viewed as anything but good for the area as it is proposed.
And EVERY artist, EVERY ONE, liked the idea and the concept.
If JoAnn and Cara had their way, we would not have a downtown Publix OR the NSP2 $23 Million grant.
Lynn, for someone who pays such close attention to every single painful detail in this City, I can't figure out how you ask a question like "What is Cara's agenda?" Maybe you have missed the forest for the trees or maybe you've drunk their coolaid, but everyone else in this entire City knows her agenda. Jeez, all you have to do is ask and they will be glad to tell you. It's no big secret, so I just don't understand when you act like there is no agenda or nobody knows what that agenda is. If you ever listened to her BFF Rockstein while she was on the CRA, she laid it out at every chance. Here it is: They do not want any progress in LW; They do not want any new development; They do not want any increase in property values; They do not want any improvement in our City's reputation; They do not want anyone who has a job, pays taxes, or is in this country legally to be in LW; They do not want economic vitality; They do not want successful businesses, unless it is a Guatemalan blanket weaver; They do not want a financially viable City; They do not want a stable government; They do not want American citizens LW; They do not want working people in LW; They do not want LW to succeed in any manner. What they do want is to import the entire country of Guatemala to downtown LW and transform our City into little Guatemala; They want LW to become a socialistic welfare state; They want LW to become a 3rd world country; They want our tax dollars to subsidize the problems of Central America. I personally don't mind the diversity of LW, but they don't want diversity, they want to push out legal citizens, families, and working class residents.
ReplyDeleteSo now you know. This is the agenda of Cara Jennings and her Merry gang of theives.
Ok. I can't argue this as it is opinion. You have given yours. That side has given theirs to me. Cara Jennings is no longer a factor in policy for LW and that's my opinion. As far as the P&Z goes, I reject the comments above as the CRA has unwisely spent tax dollars, not only in the past but presently. Thanks CRA for having such a wonderful vision for our future by spending $15 million dollars on two roads that have done absolutely nothing for LW but allowing your develop friends to get rich. Now buying the Pugh property takes the cake. Unbelievable.
ReplyDeleteAnnon at 10:39 am, That was a nice run down the list. As much as I don't care for the politics of Cara's bunch, you may have exaggerated, but only slightly. Someone recently opined that as much as people want to call her an anarchist, she really doesn't fit the description.
ReplyDeleteAn anarchist believes in "no government". Let the people do what they want. No structure, no laws, especially no police and no evil corporations.
Since Cara and her crew came to power and power of majority, they rule with an iron fist. If you were to look at what they do from the outside, it would be fascism or marxism. They have a very secretive society, have agendas that they carry out quite effectively.
They have brought down Lake Worth to a point we may at sometime in the near future, have to claim bankruptcy. Spent all the city's money on lawsuits, mentoring center, beach renovation, salaries for high paid bureaucrats and have fought real progress tooth and nail.
They have set up a strategic map of the city with their puppets moving into and reporting back to the mother ship (brown shirts).
Only can a group like this go out after doing everything in their power to stop the NSP2 and Publix from coming to town, then claim credit for them in their campaign literature.
The pity is that many people believe the lies told them at their door and don't know what is actually happening.
And the process is repeated.
Tuscan Village $114,000. Where did that information come from? They are rentals starting at $1600.