Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Last night's meeting

Comment Up
In a nutshell-

It began with Public Participation on Non-Agendaed items with many presidents of the neighborhood associations giving gifts of t-shirts, certificates and kudos to Joe Kroll who is leaving Lake Worth after four years to pursue greater opportunities. The crowd wore Say It Ain't So Joe t-shirts to show their appreciation. The President of the Neighborhood Council spoke and asked the City to waive its fees of $75 an hour at the Lake Worth Golf Course so that they could throw a party for Joe on October 20 and have one staff member work the bar.

Now Joe is a nice guy and all but he RESIGNED from Lake Worth. It's not like he is leaving after 27 years like Charles Stevens who was given a clock. It's not like Valerie Hurley who was forced out after 24 years or so and got nothing. It was done, all at the right time, where this Commission could not say "no" without looking like the bad guy. It was another political move by the Neighborhood Council that took advantage of the situation. Who ever heard of a boss giving an employee a party who has essentially told the boss to "stick it." Timing is everything in Lake Worth. And who said that the neighborhood associations aren't political?

The Consent Agenda was passed with no discussion--probably because public participation took about an hour to get over Joe Kroll. Sure hope everyone on the dais knew what spending all that money was all about--quicklime and sodium hypochlorite. Another Study was approved for nearly $30,000. Since assumptions are made each year in determining expenses on annual water and wastewater revenue in order to set the rate adjustments, the CM recommended performing an annual rate sufficiency analysis to update these adjustments for FY- 2012 and create an overlay district for water rates to serve the Beach-Casino property. The City wants to know how to stick it to you once again. This deserved discussion.

In the meantime, after getting the party thing out of the way, the commission finally got into the nitty gritty--spending your cash on a fire assessment. The curve ball was that the discussion was only for the 2,300 properties or so that were excluded from the original notice. The City assured us that Government Services Group that screwed up did pay for all the mailings and reduced their fee for this "inconvenience" never stating how much it all cost.

The City, cleverly so, made this Resolution 42B-2011 instead of starting the debate all over again for all of the people and businesses that this unfair tax would affect. The Commission still does NOT get it. Rachel Waterman's dilemma was the fact that they had already passed the tax for the majority of the citizens and if this resolution failed, it "would not be fair" to those who will have to pay it. She also gave a strange analogy that the delay of the CIP expenditures to cover this cost was like "selling your car to buy groceries." The city attorney reminded her that if it fails, (McVoy was absent and it left only 4 on the dais. On a 2/2 vote, the motion dies) the motion is brought back at the next meeting. Politically it worked out for Waterman who then voted "nay." It will come back next week.

Commission salaries brought forth the wrath of the public even though it was only to vote on keeping their salaries the same as they presently receive--$14,400 for a commissioner and $15,400 for the mayor.

There are a lot of people fed up. The Mayor showed her temper once again by ejecting Mark Parrilla from the Chamber for whispering to me. The last time she ejected someone it was my cousin. Now perhaps it is rude to talk while in the Chamber but jimminey, we can't all sit there like robots for hours on end. I made a big mistake last night because I should have walked out along with Mark and for that I apologize. One of the residents next to me was videoing-- so much of this will be uploaded to You-Tube and you will see many of the highlights in action.

For some reason the city manager took it upon herself to change the hours of downtown parking from 4 hours on the street to 2 hours even going to far as to have information printed, signs changed and tires marked. This never came before the commission. There was never any public input. The businesses were never approached for an opinion. Other than Maxwell, no one else on the dais saw or expressed an opinion as to how outrageous this all was. If one of you had an employee who took it upon himself to 1) change policy and 2) spend your money without your knowledge, do you think he would just get a little pat on the wrist? Even the pat did not happen from this Commission.

The big complaint was that some stores parked all day in front of their establishment. So? If any business owner is that stupid, so be it. For the most part, everyone wanted the 4 hour rule enforced, something we have not done in the past. As I stated last night, we have so many humongous problems within our city, why mess up something that has worked? Why go to this extreme for the possible parking overtime revenue? Angering residents is part of the culture at City Hall.

Today I will be in a mitigation at City Hall for probably most of the day regarding Sunset, thus the rush to get this up. Yes, after 6 years, Sunset has not yet set. There are forces out there that still want to screw up this lovely single family neighborhood. There is a belief that if you own a property you should be allowed to build anything you please on it even if it is against our zoning and land-use codes.


  1. Lynn,

    Thanks for honoring Mark in the post and this is clearly something that should have NOT have happened. Waterman needs to have a MAJOR public backlash for this!

    In the since are NA's political .... EVERYTHING is political including the very thing you mention in this post, Sunset which is in your neck of the woods.

    With that if we as individuals and as neighborhoods do not stand up for our rights what are we to do? We have a city government that keeps "screwing" the public and for once maybe its time for NA's and all groups to say enough is enough.

    Believe it or not....many members of NA's are agreeing with your blog and the corruption that your reporting. Please keep it up!

    The fundamental rule of the NA is not to endorse however it does not mean that they can not stand up against tyranny and government corruption and frankly the blight and lack of city support for the simple things that we do as NA's which is to take responsibility for our neighborhoods and try to take action at a grass roots efforts to improve them.

    Even more so we can stand up for our Seniors who keep getting lost in everything Lake Worth, Help recruit for public events so that we do not loose all the wonderful parades and celebrations from the past, and help become better "watchers" over our streets and neighborhoods to help report and reduce crime as should be with all citizens.

    So yes are NA's Political? In respect to all thing are political including a simple conversation between you and a friend yes. But does the commission listen to you, to me, to others? Or does the public as a whole regardless of what organization they belong to make a bigger voice? Last but not least NA's are also charitable, responsible and willing to work with government and all agencies to improve our city...unfortunately This current government just does not care about NA's or even you as an individual...

    Thanks again for your reporting and please keep it up! The more eyes that see the truth the more eyes we have to correct it.

  2. Nobody has bent over backwards to help the Neighborhood Associations like Joe Kroll has. The NA's work tirelessly on clean-ups, alley maintenance, graffiti paint--overs, etc and Joe has been instrumental in helping the NA's combat the slum and blight.

    Did two couches + a pile of tires show up in your alley-way overnight? No problem - call Joe and he sends the bulk trash guys out to remove. Do a clean-up and have massive amounts of trash and yard debris? No problem - send Joe an email and let him know where it will be and he will have it picked up Monday morning. Want to show off some neighborhood pride and install banners? No problem! Joe was responsible for getting quotes, arranging printing and installation on behalf of the NA's. Need a few extra podiums for a candidate debate? No problem! Swing by public services and Joe can help you out.

    The examples are endless. There has not been a greater friend to the Neighborhoods and the City than Joe Kroll. After all he has done on behalf of the City and its residents, the very least the NA's can do is show their appreciation with a going-away party. Too call this "political" is hilarious.

  3. It's nice to have such loyal friends. Friends should be paying for the facility, not the City. Glad you found this "hilarious." I don't agree with you. I perhaps should change my day job and become a comedian.

  4. In Parrot Cove we worked on the banner project for 5+ years before we finally got the City okay, it was not an easy process at all. Not saying that was Joe's fault, but the idea that the City was receptive or helpful is bs.

  5. With all the neighborhood associations do to keep this City from sliding even further in a blighted abyss, the least the Commission could do is vote to waive the $300 rental fee. The NA's are not looking for $$ for food/drinks. And it is good to have friends in the City who care about improving its appearance and the morale of the residents.

    The City Manager and several members of the Commission have taken an openly hostile attitude to the Neighborhood Associations. Once he is gone, we would be lucky to have the type of response and service we have enjoyed with Joe.

    As to Anon - regarding the banners - you're 100% correct in that it took an extraordinary amount of time to get them done. You can point the finger to Jo-ann Golden & Cara Jennings. Although Jo-ann eventually voted for them, it took years and opportunistic timing before we could get it to the Commission for a vote. Joe worked directly with the members of the NAPC to get several different quotes from local vendors and he worked out a plan for the installation and long-term maintenance to present to the Commission when the right opportunity presented itself (say, for example, when CJ & SM were out of the country).

  6. Why would any commissioner be against banners?

  7. No wonder he messed up so much in his overseeing of his departments. He was spending too much time doing favors for the neighborhood assns. Maybe you guys are responsible for running him off.

  8. Joanne did not want the "affluent" neighborhoods to have banners because she did not think it was fair to the "poor" neighborhoods.

  9. Lynn, you might want to listen to the end of last night's meeting. The Mayor tried to justify her heavy handed attitude towards Mark Parilla. She mentioned the other person she had removed from the Chamber who I believe is a relative of yours. Waterman told everyone that person had sent threatening comments to staff and the Sheriff's office had to be involved. Don't know if that is true or not, but there was no need for those comments.

    Of course we all need to remember Waterman's proclamation - "I am not just PEOPLE. I am the Mayor."

  10. What was her justification regarding Mark?

  11. If she is "just not people?" Think about it...The mayor and ALL Elected officials are to represent the PEOPLE! Here actions with Mark were plain and simple a show of just how POWER hungry some people can get and let their office go to their heads.

    Waterman needs to make a very public apology for her actions that night and there is no reason why a Mayor or any elected official to be humble once in a while. After all the are "just people" like you and me.
