Sunday, October 16, 2011

Immigrant Group speaks out against Arizona to host Super Bowl

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The NFL’s decision to pick Arizona this week to host the Super Bowl in 2015 has outraged some Hispanic activists who had organized a boycott of the state after a controversial immigration law passed last year.

Our majority Commission in Lake Worth would probably concur with this "racist" rhetoric--

“In light of Arizona’s hate-based legislation, the action taken by the NFL serves as an endorsement of the state’s abhorrent actions against the Latino and migrant communities,” said Margaret Moran, national president of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), the largest Hispanic civil rights group in the country.

Read more: Fox News


  1. Get a life Margaret and go back to Mexico

  2. Our world really would be so much better and easier to live in if we had no borders or no need for visas and passports, like birds we should be able to go where we want when we want. Man has made way too many restrictions on themselves.

    When in a airplane there are no lines separating countries, God did not make our world this way. We have way too many laws and most are not enforced anyway.

    Why does man make so many restrictions for themselves without real logic reasons? I would love to see an America, north, central, and south all as one like the European Union where all can prosper and we can all move around and get jobs where we want without issues or restrictions.

    I would love to see a world where gays can marry their bi-national partners from other countries and bring them to the US or stay in that country without any issues. This is all about equality, the "hetero man world" we live in has made rules that suit them, but not for all, that is why issues like Arizona or Alabama have been in the spotlight, the corruption, discrimination toward the indigenous in their own countries has made a lot of problems in most of Latin America.

    We need one world and one set of laws fair for "all" peoples.

  3. Absolutely and 100% disagree with you, Joseph, in spite of the fact that I admire you a lot.

    Our borders are sovereign. This is a sovereign country. Everyone wants to come here to feed off the land and all those citizens who have made it a great country--the very same people who are bringing it down--socialists, communists, and Marxists.
