Sunday, October 16, 2011

Candidate Forum #3 tomorrow Night

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From Candidate Forum #2

October 17th, College Park, along with the Eden Place and Parrot Cove Neighborhood Associations will host a Candidate Forum.

Monday, October 17th
First Congregational Church
1415 North K Street
6:30 to 8:30 pm

The NA's say: Neighbors in attendance at the forum Monday night will have the opportunity to submit questions in writing for the candidates. Please do not reply to this email with your questions for the candidates. Bring your questions with you on Monday and submit them then.

All questions from the audience will be reviewed by a question selection panel made up of one board member from each of the three sponsoring neighborhood associations. The panel's job is to combine duplicate questions and screen for questions they deem inappropriate. This is exactly the format we followed for the candidate forum we co-sponsored with Eden Place in June. The only difference is that on Monday night, Parrot Cove joins us in sponsoring the forum.

John Paxman, our previous forum Moderator, has agreed to Moderate this forum too. He will determine the order of questions and at his discretion, will allow rebuttal or ask for clarification on any answer from any of the candidate participants.

College Park, Eden Place and Parrot Cove Neighborhood Associations are all non-profit Florida Corporations and as such, we take no position in support of or in opposition to any candidate. Our purpose for the forum is to provide an opportunity for Candidates and our Neighbors to hear from each other on what matters most to each.

Candidates who have agreed to participate are: (in alphabetical order)
Andy Amoroso, candidate for Commissioner, Dist.3
Jo-Ann Golden, candidate for Commissioner, Dist.3 (incumbent)
Scott Maxwell, candidate for Commissioner, Dist.1 (unopposed)
*note - Commissioner Maxwell will make opening and closing remarks and will not be included in the Q&A.
Pam Triolo, candidate for Mayor
Dustin Zacks, candidate for Mayor

As always, we encourage all candidates and all those in attendance to participate as neighbors, respectfully and with respect for all points of view that may be expressed. Candidates and their supporters are kindly asked to refrain from bringing campaign signs into the Fellowship Hall, but campaign literature or wearing campaign t-shirts is OK. We also ask that candidates be responsible for collecting any left over campaign literature when the event is over.

This event is open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend. Questions will be received from neighbors in the College Park, Eden Place and Parrot Cove neighbors first. Also, priority seating will be made available for neighbors from the sponsoring associations in the front half of the room.


  1. Lynn, do you have any endorsments?

  2. The only thing that I have said on this is that I will not be voting for anyone who voted for the Budget or voted for the special assessment. The incumbents all have time to see the light and reverse their previous votes. Sorry I have to say this but being disappointed is an under-statment when it comes to this commission.

  3. Well another one Waterman will not be at, she should miss them ALL.

  4. You hit the nail on the head anon 8:53 if she misses this one she should not be allowed at the playhouse!
