Sunday, October 16, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Communist Plot

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Former Fox News talk-show host Glenn Beck said the Occupy Wall Street protests that have grown in the past four weeks are part and parcel of a communist plan to collapse the U.S. economy.

Beck also said the Occupy demonstrations occurring in numerous cities around the world represent a coordinated effort by communists to collapse the capitalist economic system, not reform it.

"This is a Marxist revolution that is global in its nature," Beck said Friday.

Read the rest of the story at International Business Times.


  1. A communist plot might be a bit of a dramatic or exaggerated claim, but it is unquestionably a socialistic movement. Just the idea that everyone is entitled to an equal economic position regardless of skill, effort, or intellect goes against human nature. We are a competitive species. I would ask this question: Name one communistic/socialistic nation that has survived in modern history? Cuba is a total failure - it's residents are dying (literally) to get out of there. We all know what happened to the former USSR. Venezuela has lost its most educated, intelligent, and talented citizens over the past decade, China is more capitalistic than the US. Just a bunch of lazy losers wanting another handout off the backs of those who are smart enough, hard working, and resourceful enough to succeed financially. If you don't like Bank of America's fees, then close your account. That's what I did.

  2. You hit it on the head. Freaking losers blaming everyone but themselves. No one asked them to buy that expensive house they could not afford. What a joke. Brining down the global economy won't help these losers. Who will they get a hand-out from?
