Sunday, October 16, 2011

Congratulations to Lake Worth High School Band

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Lake Worth High School keeps on receiving awards and honors. This time is was for a band tournament held at John I. Leonard High School. Mark Parrilla sent out the particulars and he said not only did Lake Worth qualify for the State Championship Competitions, the first time in eight years, but they also took away trophies for Best in Class Music, Superior Visual, Music and Percussion.

We have been listening to the marching band at Lake Worth High School football games and their membership is growing; they sound terrific. At the beginning of the school year, Daniel Harvey took over as band director. He has been recruiting band members and garnering enthusiasm, making Lake Worth High's band first rate once again, from 14 members to over 36 right now and growing.

If you want to do anything for the band, contact Lake Worth High School to donate.

The Trophies


  1. My goodness, Lynn. Remember when we were in HS, Mr. Lusk had a first rate band. The band and the players always took high honors at state contest ensemble and solo competitions. It took Mr. Lusk years and years to develop a feeder system raising high level players.
    Fred -

  2. I don't know how we did it back then but kids seemed different. We also didn't have the money problems that kids and schools have today.

  3. The amazing thing is these teens accomplished this with instruments that you guys probably used when you were in band, some literally held together with duct tape. I got Rochelle Ritchie from Channel 5 to do an news story where she showcased these instruments and we made a heartfelt plea to the community for help getting the band new precussion instruments and new uniforms. I coordinated several successful fundraisers last school year but we are still in desperate need of funds to acheive our goal. All the other high school had shiny unscathed instruments and beautiful new uniforms while our kids have uniforms that haven't even been dry cleaned in over 10 years and they are over 20 years old and falling apart. If anyone wants to help please contact Mr. Daniel Harvery, Band Director at 561.533.6312 or his cell is 561.401.5000.

    Lynn thank you for posting this. I was so proud to see our teens have the pride in excellence to acheive what they did regardless of the obstacles they face.

    Mark A. Parrilla

  4. I love schools bands, the kids work so hard and are so proud marching in parades and all. A few years ago at our Christmas Parade Roosevelt Middle School came and they just rocked the parade, they sounded like a million dollar band, I loved them, I wrote to their principle and band director telling them so and how much I appreciated them and to share my comments with the band, we should do this with our high school band too, this really does help with pride in our community, we have it all here in this little city, a quaint downtown, nice neighborhoods, a wonderful beach, great parks, a diverse makeup, a tri-rail station, great shops, close to all being in the center of the county and close to I95, we have the best city and we all need to feel blessed, God bless Lake Worth! We need to count our blessings here, kudos to our High School band!

  5. Lynn is it true that LW High has produced a lot of famous people? I heard that Deidre Hall, AKA Marlena Evans from Days of Our Lives was a graduate and lived in Lake Worth? Is that true? How many other famous people have come out of our high school and community? What great news here, I love bands and this is such good news for our community. Lake Worth going down in history again for more good things, thanks for all the good you do with your blog here Lynn for our city.

  6. I wish you all would come to a football game. On 10/21 (I won't be at this Friday night's game--going to see John Davidson again) and on 11/4 will be the last two home games. Come on out, hear the band, and support our local high school and the sports.

    These kids are so darn nice that I am always blown away how sweet they all are. I don't remember kids like this when I was in school.

  7. Not all of us went to school in a one room schoolhouse like you. LOL
    In our day you always had your clicks but the kids were always nice.Just a few bullies then but the teachers took care of that problem.Not much discipline these days.Teachers dont have control like in our days.To many rights given to the wrong people.Joe Lusk was the kindiest and best Band Leader in my day.

  8. My high school had a class of 680 students, probably more than at LW High I would imagine. Teachers did not have the problems int he class room like they do today. That is true. I remember Les Gunderson, years later, saying that the reason he wanted to get out of teaching were the rowdy kids and teachers couldn't do a thing about them.

  9. I was apart of the band when we made it to the championships in Kississmee FL. The "Latin Fiesta" show.

    Its a great feeling knowing you made it finals!!So glad that the band continues to florish!! Good Luck and I will be in the stands with my band shirt on!! Go Trojan Sound :)
