Monday, October 17, 2011

Candidate Forum #2 - Impressions

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Candidate Forum #2
Graphic rendition of the last forum held at the
Lake Worth Golf Course
Shows empty seat. Who cares if it's situated in the wrong place.
We get it!

Come one, come all to
First Congregational Church
1415 North K Street
6:30 to 8:30 pm
Candidate Forum #3


  1. If the mayor was going to be there I might consider. But seeing as she is to afraid of the questions that MIGHT be asked I will not waste my time............

  2. It will only hurt Rachel for not being there, people are not going to know about her, and it sends a message out to the citizens that she doesn't want to be there and share her views or to listen to us the citizens, she has already dissed so many citizens and residents since holding office now for a few months, I am afraid this will hurt her. We have no idea what her views are other than she does not like the people who live in College Park, because she thinks they are the rich elite who do not understand the poor Quats. What good things has she done for us as mayor so far? Does anyone know so to convince me to vote for her since she won't be at these forums?

  3. TRNA has corrupt leadership issues with ego and arrogance superiority, not to mention illegally voting in their president Ryan worried about the anarchists, what happened there with the way Ryan allowed things wouldn't happen at other NA's and Rachel should go to the others and be present so that it won't hurt her. Even if she lives in TRNA, she was never involved in the NA much at all until she wanted to run for mayor, this hurt her, but the NA need a certain level of civil decorum when running such forums too. Both sides need to reconsider their approaches, they are both at fault and are only hurting the people as a whole and the good of the city. Neither can truly flourish until they change their tunes.

  4. Change your mind, Rachel. Show up.

    I doubt that what you said, anonymous at 9:17am, about her not liking folks in College Park is accurate. She won the vote in that district the first time around and she has never indicated she had a problem with anyone in any neighborhood.

    As far as understanding the "poor Quats," as you put it, the commission is kicking the Quatemalans out of the Mayan Center that has been occupying this city building for years. Does that sound like she's sympatico to "poor Quats?" She is in lockstep with the city manager.

  5. It makes me wonder now after reading all of this if Rachel only cares about herself and her own ego, just to get re-elected, I guess she tells everyone a different thing, she will say anything to anyone just to get re-elected and not really care about anyone. That is bad what she is doing to the poor Guatemalans, she uses people and their homes to have campaign fund raisers, she really could care less about the people, it is all about just staying in office. Put her to the test, write to her, invite her out, talk to her, see if she will do anything, watch and see, she won't even write or call you back after the second time you reach out to her, that is what happened to me, she really doesn't care about any group, it is all about moving her agenda forward, her ego, her power, her money, she could really care less about us or the city as a whole, now I am starting to see the whole picture here. Can I trust Rachel for two more years? That is the big question here?

  6. Waterman has no business being mayor of our city. She recently moved here and had little to no interest in our city until asked to run. Since being elected she has voted to raise our taxes and has added more assessments to our tax bills. She voted to increase utility rates for most of us, increase water and sewer rates and could care less what the impact is on any of us. When was the last time you heard her confront the city manager on behalf of the people who got her elected. Never. Who needs a mayor that has failed on so many counts.

  7. In the end it all comes down to who knocks on the most doors, closest to the election.
    90% of LWorthians have no idea what is up with the city, so it boils down to who is the most personable door to door.

  8. Incidentally, I want to bring up one thing that was asked at the last forum--Do you think we should eliminate the city manager and go with a Strong Mayor type of government? The question was something like that.

    The only one who answered it correctly was Zacks who said, "It depends on who the mayor is."

    A strong mayor in power could be much, much worse. We would have to wait for 2 years to get rid of him/her. That strong mayor could do so much damage. With an employee, all we have to do is terminate.

  9. the point of the lampoon is not just that Rachel did not come but that the other contestants get points for just showing up (the correct question to the Jeopardy answer..what is 'showing up")
    and also that their answers (questions) are so bad (other than JoAnn)
    Rachel is technically a better 'player" than all of them...but as you note, she needs to show up.
    thanks for posting.
