Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Community Center formerly called the Shuffleboard Center

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When did the name get changed for our Shuffleboard Court Building? Was it when the city decided, without a commission vote, to jackhammer out all the shuffleboard courts that are still on the chopping block? Once The Mentoring Center moved out, this building was to be used for our recreation department, or so I thought. Shuffleboarding is a recreation and one that Seniors enjoy. Also, the Seniors used to use the building for bridge games on a weekly basis.

On the agenda is a vote to accept a JAG award that fell through the cracks when The Mentoring Center was still "leasing" the property and ran it into the ground. The Department of Justice agreed to award the City of Lake Worth a supplemental award in order to utilize the FY 2008 grant funds in the amount of $18,088.

It will be spent on computers and software that will be used for programs to be operated from the facility including: PBSO “First Tee” Program, FCAT classes, Start Smart, a Citizens Police Academy, and ESL (English Speaking Lessons) classes. Attendance will be maintained regarding the number of programs and participants utilizing these computers.

Who makes these decisions on who will utilize city buildings, change its functions as well as its name?


  1. It seems to me that we need SSL's (Spanish speaking lessons) for the rest of us taxpayers. The ones who pay for the building and it's upkeep.

    I'd join.

    Sounds like it's going back to the "Mentoring Center".

  2. Yeah, for all these guys to click on porno again.

  3. Thanks BCE & BCME

  4. Spanish lessons are a good idea. Then I can say Salga de nuestro país and they will all understand.

  5. Well anon last one....maybe they would replay "ir a vivir en nuestro país y ver si usted don t come back to this great country.

  6. Are you serious they're really going to tear up the shuffle board courts????? This is a Lake Worth landmark?!!!
