Monday, July 18, 2011

Political Signs - Lake Worth

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Is Tom going to keep this sign up until November?
The ripping down and removal of opponent's signs
during the election were done with ease.

(1) The placing of political signs anywhere on public property is prohibited. Signs located on public property shall be deemed to be public property and shall be summarily removed by the city.

(3) Signs shall be removed within forty-eighty (48) hours following the day of the election to which they apply.


  1. I don't like Tom's signs any more than you do.... OK maybe there's room to wiggle there...., but, Lynn, simply take a little stroll. It'll do you good. Pick the sign up by placing your palm-up hand directly beneath the centerline of the placard and gently lift up. Face East and take three giant steps and place the sign back in a similar position. Remember to place the prongs in the downward position or you may poke yourself in the eye.

    He has already stated he is going to be humiliated... I mean run again so it can be construed to be for the next run and therefore legal.

  2. Tom has announced that he will be running in November. Andy has his signs up all over town. So what is the big deal? Maybe because it is TOM.

    Deaf and dumb and you can't read.

  4. Hey Jack***, the sign is illegally placed. Do you get that?

  5. Tom Ramiccio has not filed his intent to run in November.

    Andy HAS filed his intent.

  6. Are you kidding me? She can't touch that sigh, Ramiccio would sue.

  7. In all Fairness Lynn, I drove by Ms Deckers house today, and her Waterman sign is still up. Who can't follow rules?

  8. This loser lost so forget about him. Can we move on? Tom, take down your signs. Thank you very much.

  9. One more time people-
    All of these signs from the Special Election MUST be removed within 48 hours whether or not these people are intending to run again in November. Ramiccio and Waterman have not filed their intent to run in the General Election. It is considered two separate campaigns--two separate bank accounts, etc.

  10. The city is flush with cash, the blight is diappearing as I write this and new viable businesses are lining up to fill all the vacant stores around our vibrant downtown, our utility rates are now more affordable than ever, property values are starting to go up again.
    I'm glad we have a blogger and concerned citizens in a rabid froth over some stupid signs. Call the BCME and demand the signs be removed. If they are not removed you'll know who to blame.

  11. Well now--it's a matter of working within our election laws. No one is being rabid. No one is going to demand that the city manager remove the signs when in fact, the candidate needs to do this and should have done it last week. That is the one for whom you put the blame upon.

    Thanks for your very thoughtful comment. :(

    P.S. The above Ramiccio sign is now down.

  12. It just proves that laws are for the little people certainly not Tom.

  13. If it is separate accounts, WHY does Cary Sabol have the same account? Granted he ended up not running, but should he not have returned the funds he did not spend, and start over???

  14. I love the snarky dialogue, and I could think of 3 or 4 comments that would fit beautifully well... but Signs are an issue in this town....and political signs are not the worst... I wish we could have all the interested parties create a Citizen's Enforcement Board....we could handle the Parking Tickets, the Sign Patrol, the Chicken Hunting, the Overcrowding.... What do you think? I'm kind of half serious here...

  15. All I know about Mr. Sabol is that he filed his intent to run in the November election. Perhaps his accounts are straightend out. The City Clerk is the one who told me that these are 2 different elections and therefore 2 different accounts.
