Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Killer, Nathaniel Brazill, files Civil Rights Suit

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What is it about people who commit horrendous crimes today? They become instant celebrities and get off scot-free for murder or if they don't, they file a law suit saying their civil liberties are infringed. They just keep scamming the system.

Nathaniel Brazill is back in the news. He has now become so smart behind bars that he is his own lawyer in a pending suit. He had a lot of time to study the law, use the library and had computer time. Why didn't they put him to work doing some sort of hard labor? I mean, he did kill his teacher in a cold blooded murder, for no reason other than he was ticked off, didn't he? He only got 28 years for the murder of Barry Grunow, his Lake Worth Middle School teacher, but the guy won't shut up.

He has filed a lawsuit because the prison system transferred him twice and he was put in solitary confinement, reasons for that unknown. He says it is because his jailers retaliated against him for filing an earlier lawsuit. He says his first Amendment Rights were violated. I say that all of our rights of sensibilities have been violated by Nathaniel Brazill.


  1. Did you know that Retha Lowe was a character witness for this kid?

  2. Nothing surprises me about that or anything Lowe would do. Even though she took illegal contributions from Sun and allowed that company to do what they did at the landfill with people in her own neighborhood getting sick, that neighborhood will always cover up against "whitey." That's the way it is down there. Lowe can be the first one to use the word "racist" when she herself is one.

  3. Brazill is a good argument in favor of public executions!!

  4. This color man looks like a killer, he should had go the electric chair.

  5. All of you clearly show ignorance towards the American Justice System. This man was 14 years old when he committed the murder. Our Government recognizes on all accounts that children's brains are not fully developed (Drinking, voting, driving etc.). Extensive research shows that the brains prefrontal lobe is a main contributor to appropriate or inappropriate behavior distinctions. This child was a byproduct of his society. Yes, what he did was wrong and he should not get off scott-free. But as you have mentioned, he has already sentenced to 28 years- so he goes in at 14 and comes out at 42? That is big portion of life he is missing. He has demonstrated even in a short period of time he has grown in maturity by studying law and learning the system. He has been serving Solitary Confinement, which no doubt is violation for a human right. I thought that sort of retribution was abolished when Eastern State Penitentiary learned of the destructive effects of solitary confinement. Show some sympathy people. This was a child.

    Especially anonymous # 4 - you can't even speak dramatically correct. I'm sure Nathaniel possess's more intelligence than you.

    Go get an education and do some research. Then you can voice your opinion appropriately.

  6. Nathaniel showed absolutely NO intelligence the day he got that gun, went back to school, and killed Mr. Grunow at point blank range.

    Because he was 14 or because he is a product of his environment is not an excuse for MURDER. Don't give me that lawyering liberal song and dance. Part of the problem with our justice system is lawyers.

    He got 28 years for taking a life. He wants less. I think he's lucky. Mr. Grunow has NO life. Does that mean anything?

  7. Chris ASU Law, you may want to pay a little more attention to your own education.

    "you can't even speak dramatically correct. I'm sure Nathaniel possess's more intelligence than you."

    dramatically - should be "grammatically"
    possess's - should be "possesses"
