Sunday, June 5, 2011

McVoy to speak on The Everglades

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Dr. Christopher McVoy, an author and scientist as well as Commissioner in Lake Worth, will speak Tuesday about The Everglades Then and Now: Implications for Restoration at the Audubon Society's meeting at 7:30pm at the Pine Jog Environmental Education Center, 6301 W. Summit Blvd.

Based on sound science, restoring the Everglades is dependent on the success of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP). Without this plan, a dying ecosystem will be completely lost, and those who depend on it. The CERP says, the Comprehensive Plan contains essential components to achieve the goal of making south Florida sustainable. No other plan, especially one on a smaller scale or one lacking appropriate balance between ecosystem restoration and future urban and agricultural water supply objectives, will achieve a similar level of success.


  1. Does that mean he is skipping the Commission meeting, or that it will be done by 7:30pm?

  2. He will be arriving late to the Commission meeting. He had this commitment from a year ago. All votes of any major consequence will be moved to later in the Agenda.
