Sunday, June 5, 2011

Florida Growth Management died on Thursday

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Growth Management died this past Thursday. It was only 26 years old. It died prematurely from a cancer--our Florida Legislature. Totally putting aside quality of life for all Floridians-- politicians, persuaded by big developers and the Florida Chamber killed our beautiful State. Governor Scott, an interloper, signed the Bill into law.

Rep. Jeff Clemens voted against this Bill and for that I give him a lot of credit.

Read more of the obituary at The St. Petersburg Times.


  1. DCA never did do much good, it approved well over 90% of the projects, but it did curb a few extra massive projects and was sort of a brake on counties out of control.

    ...listen closely....I think I hear a bugle playing "Taps"....

  2. The best we can hope for is that the economy stays in the toilet. Maybe developers will go out of business along with the majority of banks. Ever wonder why so many new banks are opening up? Seems like the industry has not suffered very much.

    I urge all of you to devote some of your energy to pushing for a reduced population in the U.S. That is the only way to reduce demand for resources. Start with removing illegal aliens and proceed to demanding Congress adopt a population policy that will aim for a carrying capacity goal---roughly 180 million. We are now at 311,485,426 as of today (U.S. Census Bureau Pop Clock on

    The U.S. has a net gain of one person every 13 seconds pushed significantly by one international migrant net every 43 seconds.

    This is the fight we environmentalists across the spectrum have yet to engage in. It is the only road to a solution.

    Floridians for a Sustainable Population
