Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Pulling of Wool over the Public's Eyes on Public Information

As a few of us have spoken about the change in the way in which back-up agenda items are downloaded off the City's web site, I refer to the link below.

CRA Agenda

Under VI, you can click on the item for the back-up (the old way) and the way that we have asked the city to use again so that we do not have to download hundreds of pages at once. Instead, we can click on an item in which we are interested. The City told us in a recent meeting, after the question was asked again by another citizen, Mary Lindsey, that they now have new software and could not accommodate the public in the "old way."

If the CRA is using the "old" style, I guess the City could as well. Go back to the "old way of doing business" if that really is the problem. Same thing with the Muni-Code--eliminating the use of it to save $7,900 is ridiculous and not transparent nor is it friendly. All it amounts to is time savings for the city clerk.

I call this to your attention because there are some in the City who might be pulling the wool over our eyes and making it much more difficult to attain public information. To this day, I am still told that certain valuable reports, some of which we paid hundreds of thousands of dollars, do not exist.

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