Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Today's Lake Worth High Alumni Breakfast

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City Manager, Susan Stanton and Dennis Dorsey

Today's breakfast was really special for me. There were a few people for whom I have not seen in a million years sitting at an adjacent table. I kept seeing this one woman smiling at me and thought she was just being friendly. After the meeting I stopped at the table and the gal was Christine Jorgensen Blumenfeld who now lives in Vero Beach. Back in 7th or perhaps 8th grade she beat me at a baseball throw. I was dead set on winning that tournament but she beat me out by inches. It is still a memorable experience and a learning one at that. No matter how good you think you are, there is always someone better. It was great seeing her again.

Also at that table were Nancy Tuttle Edwards who lives in Boynton Beach and Lois Kramer Richman who is an author and living in College Park. Sue Kunkel Drawdy was there too. Randy Hall, our star at Lake Worth High back in those days, was seated with them. I had a big crush on him in 7th grade.

Tomorrow night is the awards ceremony, 7pm at Lake Worth High School, for Dollars for Scholars. They are awarding $75,000.


  1. Thanks for your little review - especially for relating your memory of Christine and the baseball throw.
    Best Regards, Fred Calder -

  2. For coming, 76 people attended and it was a glorious morning and Breakfast.

    We appreciate your loyalty. The next Breakfast Meeting will be November , 8, 2011

    put it on your calendar Please. It is always so much fun to see our classmates and get to

    visit. It is always a happy occasion.

    A Special Thank You to Char Macon, Virginia Thomas, Mary Lou Hall, Kay Cantley,

    Maggie Witherow, Kathryn Graves for coming out so early to help with the signing in and

