Monday, May 9, 2011

Ramiccio hires Campaign Manager

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Diana Demarest, a highly respected member and unabashed progressive of the Democratic Party and former Secretary of the Palm Beach County Democratic Party, has been hired by Republican, Tom Ramiccio, to lead his campaign for mayor of Lake Worth and to bring it to victory.

If you recall, Diana was behind the dolphin killer Rene Varela's campaign as well as Carla Blockson's before she was replaced only to have Carla lose. She did a great job mitigating the negative when Varela was exposed for making his money caring for captured dolphins that were sold to Dubai, etc.

Tom Ramiccio said, "I'm an American who is a registered Republican, but will not bring partisan politics to the commission."


  1. Diana, I realize that everyone needs to make a living, put doesn't the idea of helping to put that low life Ramiccio into office make you want to throw up in your mouth?

  2. How would you like if if one of the candidates for Mayor should be in jail; one is a Communist who believes in open borders and the third is bought and paid for by developers? As an older senior citizen, these candidates are dysfunctional.
    John Jordan

  3. So Cara is the Communist, Tom is the one who should be in jail...does that make Carey the one who is "bought and paid for by developers?" Are you joking? There is not a shred of proof to suggest even begin to suggest that. It is that sort of negative, baseless accusation that make it impossible for smart, dedicated, educated, hard-working people to get involved in this City. Shame on you John Jordan.

    Brian W.

  4. Rumor has it that Carey's first fundraiser will be given by " The Groper" Bo Allen. The elder abusing Bo Allen. The bully Bo Allen .How many properties did the Allens acquire while Bo was a Commissioner?Anyone desperate enough to go near Bo Allen is not a person I want representing my city.Anyone participating in Rene's 25,000 dollar temper tantrum against the citizens of Lake Worth should be ashamed.John Jordon has it right! Crooks or weenies-not really a choice here! Katie Mcgiveron

  5. Is he still around?
