Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Navy Seals at the Lake Worth Beach

Yesterday we saw about 10 pairs of shoes on the beach, all lined up in a perfect row. This caught my attention immediately as most going to the beach are not that meticulous. Precision and marked attentiveness to detail are parts of SEAL training that makes them the creme de la creme.

U.S. Navy SEALS were running and training at the Lake Worth beach. This photo shows two doing push-ups. "From the time a prospective SEAL enters military service to the time he finishes his first pre-deployment training cycle, it can take as much as 30 months to completely train a Navy SEAL for his first deployment."

We see the Navy Seals from time to time on our beach--the elite--the best of the best. They have always used our pool for training in the past. Hopefully, our pool will re-open some day and we will have the resources to remain a full-service city. This will take all the skills of our city manager, the right manager for the times.

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