Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lake Worth Beach Merchants - An Era Gone

It really was an eye-watering moment yesterday as tenants at our beach, many of whom are long time friends, are moving out of the Casino. Some have been with us for over 35 years. They all have to be out by May 31. Some are gone already and a feeling of deep sadness came across me--a happy era now gone. It conjured up old memories when thinking about John G's, my grandfather's and Mother's favorite restaurant. They went there every week throughout their lives. I was told by a waitress that John G's will not be back--too expensive to move.

One of the tenants said that if the city does not start this project on time, he fears that it never will because of the volatile politics in this city. I couldn't agree more. Politicians have made so many dastardly decisions. We still have one fighting the Casino, a project that will put this city on the map and give it a vitality it has not experienced since 1922. And just think--it is a Casino that will be in total control by the people. This is our city, not the County's and certainly not a private corporation's. We should keep control of our city assets and not give any of them away.

Many of our tenants say that they will be back and are keeping their fingers crossed to the possibility of returning to the Lake Worth beach in a city that became a part of their DNA.

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