Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Lucerne Board files Suit

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Greg Rice and his condo board at The Lucerne sue the developers for shoddy work. Read about it here.


  1. This is really ironic when you consider the CRA wasted money again.
    Former Romano politicos and city Board members --
    1. gave city right of way to developer.
    2. The City was forced to upgrade the utility lines in order to take care of the density from The Lucerne thus costing the taxpayers a bundle.
    3. The Lucerne got permission from corrupt politicians to build over the right of way near the library.
    4. They put a fax finish of windows on the east side with the promise of eventually acquiring the library property.
    5. Taxes were waived for 10 years (around $1.4 mil) and the CRA is paying this off every year with taxpayer money.
    6. The unit owners were allowed to move into the building even before a CO was issued.
    7. Many Lake Worth politicos purchased units there at what was then favorable pricing.
    8. Now we find what they thought was such a great deal is not.
    9. The Lucerne filed a slap suit against Laurence McNamara for speaking out. McNamara, as it turns out, was right.


  2. Corrupt people in a corrupt building.One can only hope that Chinese drywall was involved!

  3. they keep saying that we will get use to that tall bldg. I never have and still don't like it. These are the build high folks that want to ruin our city. This bldg is ridiculous.

  4. Who are the many Lake Worth politicos that bought units in the building? Please tell us. If Larry was right, why did he lose that lawsuit too?
    How come there has never been any arrests for corruption in Lake Worth?
    It is simply amazing that there are 30-40 overcrowded, dilapidated, unsightly death traps within a 3 block radius of the Lucerne that none of you ever complain about. I guess those appeal to you.
    Have you ever noticed that 90% of the activity downtown centers around the businesses in and around the Lucerne? Do you ever see anyone except for bums in the cultural square? Anyone hanging around anywhere else on Lake or Lucerne?
    You guys are too funny. The city is crumbling around you and you're still yiping about a condo that was built almost 10 years ago.


  5. You want to complain and complain and complain. If you don't like the blight west of Dixie, have your beloved CRA do something about it. Or YOU do something about it. Instead, you approve of $500,000 to Publix and $700,000 to the Cultural Renaissance and all the rest of their waste. Or perhaps ask Bob Lepa to help you clean up west of Dixie. He might have some good ideas. Bo Allen did have a few like raze the city to the ground.
