Tuesday, May 24, 2011

PBSO goes Full Speed Ahead

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Today while driving down Lake Avenue, there were three deputies on Lake Avenue with a radar gun trying to catch anyone going over 25 miles per hour. That's an easy thing to do as 25mph is about the speed of a turtle in heat.

Sheriff cars were all over the place. As I was driving to go over the bridge, one was parked obscurely on the right side to catch anyone going over 25mph. As you cross the bridge from the East side, it is a speed trap when it falls rapidly from 35mph to 25mph, again, the speed of a turtle.

Be certain that we will see all sorts of sheriff vehicles all over the place now that the Contract is up for some serious talks.

Week ending May 24
Property Crime 6
Theft 7
Drugs 11
Disorder 11
Weapons Offense 2
Family Offense 10
Liquor 16
Robbery 4
Alarm 9
Other 31
Missing Person 1
Pedestrian Stop 14
Traffic 26
Assault 13

1 comment:

  1. Lake Worth residents who read,know that we have always paid for the COUNTY Sheriff's services when paying our COUNTY TAXES.

    Former mayor Marc Drautz, the HONEST one, proved this in a case when a murderer was hiding on 4th and Federal.He picked up the phone and asked for helicopter assistance, which was promptly provided(OUR COUNTY TAX MONEY AT WORK)!
    Screaming rpimitve street people don't know this and show ignorance.The murderer was immediately located and apprehended.
    OUR COUNTY TAX MONEY PAYS FOR COUNTY SHERIIFS SERVICES ALREADY. An lazy,irrespopnsible successor and Commission, wanted no responsibility for our under him,unregulated Lake Worth Police Dept.and signed an extortionate Contract,which the bums did not read,to get rid of the 1913 established,only during Clemens,a lawless period,because of lack of supervision and control by the Commission.Conditions not demanded from any other City were imposed and agreed to, hidden fron us TAX PAYERS, by that Clemens,Vespo and Lowe gang.
    The present Commmission is asking for a fair deal similar to those with other cities, with the Sheriff.The former Chief allowed for desk duty instead of street patrolling to keep us safe, with at that time 12000 out of control illegal aliens.
