Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Don't blow sunshine up my butt says Allen West

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Congressman West closed his retort by referencing the Fort Hood shootings and 9-11 attacks, saying that his first hand experiences on the battlefield has given him insight into the tactics that Islamists use before telling Hamze not to “try to blow sunshine up my butt” with his criticism of him. West took offense to Hamze’s amateurish criticism of his stance on radical Islam and concluded by telling Mr. Hamze to “put the microphone down and go home.”


  1. GO WEST, GO WEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Wish ALL Americans could wake up. See what's going on in the world. The "let's make friends with these people" people are going to get us all killed.

    Col. West is the Real Deal. A true American Hero and Patriot.
