Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lake Worth Budget - still a mystery

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At Tuesday's City Commission Workshop, the commission discussed the Budget with first quarter results and projections going forward. The present commission required that the city manager present a quarterly projection so that the commission can be assured that the budget is on track. That's why we got this projection. The bosses, (who often times forget that they are the boss) told the CM to provide it.

When making a Budget, the Finance Department uses statistic and figures from two previous years to estimate revenues and expenditures. From this report, it indicates that "all departments are showing additional funds are needed to cover the delayed implementation of the union contract changes."

There were a few things that struck me immediately and I mention them below.

The cost of Public Safety has been a contentious issue in Lake Worth with some very hot and vocal residents saying that "we want the PBSO at any cost." The following projections were given with them in mind as these costs reflect on every department's budget within the City. When you drive over your next pot hole, think about that.

Revenues: $29,731,151
Sheriff costs: 14,632,977 or 49.22% of the Budget
Fire costs: $2,298,456 or 7.73% of the Budget
Total costs of Public Safety = 56.95% of the Budget Revenues

The City Manager stated that she is not paying the supplement to Palm Beach County for Fire/Rescue of $175,500. This figures reflects the amount due on February 1 for January and February 2011. In the original Contract, we were to pay a supplement of $1,050,000 a year for the first 2 years and $1,300,000 per year after that due in 4 equal payments on the first of December, February, April and July. We still owe the amount provided by Finance so it appears in the figure above.

We also wonder how these decisions are being authorized. There has never been a public discussion on not paying this amount or I just was not present to hear it. Are these types of decisions being made out of the Sunshine in these weekly one-on-one meetings? If the Commission is indeed in the dark, then I would think that this could/will hurt the reputation of the Commission as well as the reputation of the City of Lake Worth. Why didn't the Commission ask the CM for further explanation on withholding payment per Contract when she mentioned it yesterday? Did they already know about it?

Under the Capital Project Fund there is one line item entitled General Improvements. Commissioner Mulvehill was the only commissioner who asked Finance to bring back a break-down of that item amounting to $2,223,610. Is this a Slush Fund? No one knows and it will be interesting to see what Finance does with this request.

And I still want to know where all the millions went that were in the Beach Fund. An Internal Auditor is desperately needed.


  1. I agree with you Lynn, we want to know more and the City Manager needs to answer to the public, can't you write a letter requesting this info. from the city manager using you question here, "I still want to know where all the millions went that were in the Beach Fund?" I agree with you that an Internal Auditor is desperately needed in this city. What can we do as citizens to get more transparency here in this city? Can the commissioners answer this or do something? Can McVoy find out this info? What is going on here?

  2. Will Stanton be able to stop the bleed?

  3. Your last sentence is THE whopper, Lynn. An internal auditor, that answers only to the commission, would ask the tough questions, or at least tell the commission what questions to ask.

    This position is in our Charter. It is malfeasance for our elected officials to ignore our Charter.

    Just THINK citizens..... you could call your elected representative, well at least those of you who have a representative who says they represent you, to ask them questions like those you pose above, and they wouldn't have to listen to the CM's tea-berry shuffle. Our commissioners could go to THEIR employee (internal auditor) to get an unbiased answer.

  4. "Can McVoy find this information out?" Obvioulsy you haven't attended a commission meeting and seen him bumbling about for 4 hours. He's lucky if he can find out where he is never mind important information.

  5. I attend every commission meeting and I have never seen him bumbling around. If he doesn't know something, he asks questions unlike a few others up there who pretend to know. He has not yet learned everything in this City as he has only been in office 3 months now. However, with his keen mind and his interest, I am sure that he will greatly improve. Give him a chance.

  6. You forgot to mention "Cara's guidance"

  7. remember the good old days where Vespo and Clemmens got their marching orders on how to vote and what to say during meetings from their blackberries?
