Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Message and Look of Evil

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Ryan speaks with same forked tongue.

Can you imagine what will be written as Ryan Houck's epitaph?
"I and my big mouth, with millions of dollars from special interests, single handedly ruined the entire State of Florida."

Environmental groups don't have that much money but it will be up to them this time to change the course of Florida and really do something now to protect her as Big Mouth is putting back on his battle gear to screw the State. Since residents of the State of Florida were persuaded by big money advertising in this last election and followed the Chamber, etc., they better get active now and understand the facts. The only way that will happen is to raise the money.

The only thing for which Allen West and I disagree is the EPA when he said he wanted to cut its budget. He did not give specifics but I believe he was objecting to Obama wanting to give anyone who bought an electric car a tax credit of $7500. I agree with him there. Read about the EPA's Seven Priorities.


  1. You can bet this is another Chamber of Commerce tactic to extract money from local businesses on another 'over the top' campaign against nothing but a few Groups (who have no big-bucks-campaign-agenda) except to voice concern in protecting what we have left of Florida's natural environment and resources...the video put out by Ryan Houck has an evil sound to it.....


  2. Clearly they want to keep their momentum going...

  3. Ryan Houck is the posterboy for fascism. Business interests dump ungodly sums of money into Houck’s organizations and he controls the airwaves with classic misinformation about government (Republican super majority government??) killing business and jobs in Florida. Florida voters lap it up and Houck (and his chamber bankrollers) invents the next business outrage du jour. They wont stop until Florida has been completely raped and pillaged beyond recognition and every last resource is destroyed in service to their master, the Almighty Dollar. Ominous music and Houck go hand in hand. These people are truly terrifying.

  4. "I singled handedly ruined the entire state of Florida" ranks right up there with "best commission ever".

  5. Glad you liked the comment, Anonymous--the same guy who keeps coming over here with the same bull chit. Are you Ryan's brother?

  6. Don't we all want to save our environment and our resources? It seems like this is an easy one and Ryan is on the wrong side of this argument.

  7. bravo! Well done, Lynne!
